SABC Television Licence Renewal :

Organisation : SABC
Facility Name : Renew Television Licence
Country: South Africa
Website :

How To Renew SABC Television Licence?

The Corporation must forward licence renewal notices to licence holders. Notwithstanding this requirement, licence holders are required to apply for the renewal of a SABC television licence despite non-receipt of a reminder notice to renew a television licence.

Related / Similar Facility : SABC Business Television Licence

A licence holder must produce :
1. His or her television licence; or
2. A photocopy of his or her television licence; or
3. A notice to renew a television licence, when renewing a television licence.

Denatured Apparatus

** A user of a television set which is alleged to be incapable of receiving transmissions broadcast in the course of a television broadcasting service, must give the Corporation written notice to that effect.
** Upon receipt of a written notice contemplated in paragraph 26, the Corporation must appoint an authorised agent to determine whether the television set is capable of receiving transmissions broadcast in the course of a television broadcasting service, whereupon an inspection fee as provided for in Annexure B is payable by the user who notified the Corporation.
** A person who uses a denatured apparatus must, three months prior to the expiry of his or her licensing year, give written notice to the Corporation that the apparatus has not been modified so as to render it capable of receiving transmissions broadcast in the course of a television broadcasting service.
** An authorised agent may inspect denatured apparatus in order to determine whether the apparatus has subsequently been modified so as to render it capable of receiving transmissions broadcast in the course of a television broadcasting service.
** If after such inspection an authorised agent finds that the denatured apparatus has been modified so as to render it capable of receiving transmissions broadcast in the course of a television broadcasting service, the user of the denatured apparatus is, in addition to any television licence fees and penalties liable to pay an inspection fee as provided for in Annexure B .

Reporting Obligations of Businesses

Within thirty days after the end of each licensing year, a business must provide the Corporation with an audited statement reflecting the number of television sets and the period for which those television sets were in its possession during that licensing year.

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FAQ On SABC Television Licence

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On SABC Television Licence

What are the various types of television licence?
There are six types:
1] A domestic licence, previously known as a private licence, for households and/or individuals, authorising the use of the licensed set(s) at the user’s registered residential premises only;
2] A concessionary domestic licence;
3] A business licence, for entities (including government departments) using TV sets in their business/commercial activities or on premises occupied for business purposes;
4] A dealer licence, for businesses selling TV sets;
5] A lessor licence, for businesses renting out television sets; and
6] A mobile licence, for a TV set in any vehicle, caravan, mobile home, vessel or aircraft used for private purposes.

Who needs a television licence?
In terms of the Broadcasting Act, No 4 of 1999, as amended, any person or entity that has in its possession and/or uses a TV set. A licence remains payable, irrespective of whether a television set in one’s possession is used or not.

When is a television licence payable, and for how long is a licence valid?
A television licence is payable in advance, before the beginning of a licence holder’s licence year. A licence is valid for one year and the licence period is indicated on the licence.

What is a television set, as defined in the broadcasting act?
Any device designed or adapted to be capable of receiving a broadcast television signal. That includes a PC fitted with a TV tuner card, or a videocassette recorder (VCR) connected to a monitor or TV screen.

What are the annual licence fees?
R265.00 per annum for a domestic, business, dealer, lessor or mobile television licence, and R74.00 per annum for a concessionary TV licence.

How shall I know when to renew my tv licence?
The SABC sends out renewal notices ±2 months in advance. However, non-receipt of such notice is not an excuse for failure to renew nor for late renewal.

What do I need when renewing my licence?
On renewal, one needs to present one’s existing TV licence, a copy thereof, or a renewal notice.

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