IEC Election Results Portal : Electoral Commission of South Africa

Organisation : Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)
Facility Name : IEC Election Results Portal
Country : South Africa
Website :

What is IEC Election Results Portal?

Election Results Portal is implemented by Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC). Find all the election results for National and Provincial Elections, Municipal Elections, and Municipal By-Elections in our comprehensive dashboard.

Our election results dashboards is where you can view live election results on election night (updated every 5-10 minutes after all voting stations close), explore data via breakout maps, tables and charts for National and Provincial elections, Municipal elections and Municipal By-elections.

You can also access historical election results using our election results dashboards. See below our available Results Dashboards

How To Check IEC Election Result?

Follow the below steps to check IEC Election Result online

Related Post

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Then click on “Go to results dashboard”
Step-3 : Check Result

Downloadable Election Results Reports

The downloadable election results reports are available in PDF, Excel and CSV formats.

By-elections results reports:
** Comparison Report
** Compares the by-election ward winner, party, % votes received and % poll to those of the corresponding Municipal Election.
** Detailed Results
** Shows the candidates, parties, number and % of votes, total valid votes, total spoilt ballots, total votes cast, % spoilt ballots, % poll, and the election winner.
** Summary Report
** Displays the elected candidate, party, % support, registered population, total votes cast, % poll, spoilt votes, % spoilt votes.

PR by-election reports:
** PR Election Results
** Shows votes per party per ward.
** Seat calculation and allocation
** Seat calculation: Total valid votes, percentage votes, total seats calculated, number of ward seats, allocated number of PR list seats calculated, and percentage total seats won per party.
** Seat allocation: Party, seat type, candidate name, and candidate ID.

Local government election results reports:
** Results Summary
** Displays the votes cast across all ballot types at National, Provincial, Municipal, Ward or Voting District levels.
** Party Results
** Displays the number of votes cast and overall support for the selected party.
** Seat Calculation Detail
** List the details of how the seat calculation was made.
** Percentage Voter Turnout
** Displays the percentage voter turnout by comparing the highest of either Ward or PR votes cast to the sum of registered population and MEC7 votes cast.
** Spoilt Votes
** Displays the proportion of spoilt votes cast by ballot type.
** Downloadable report data
** Variety of low-level reports in Excel or CSV format.
** Downloadable detailed results
** Displays the number of votes cast, including spoilt votes for each party in the selected municipality and voting district.

National and provincial election results reports:
** Detailed Results
** Displays the number of votes cast, including spoilt votes for each party.
** Voter Turnout
** Displays the number of votes cast as a percentage of the number of registered voters.
** Spoilt Votes / Ballots
** Displays the number of spoilt votes as a percentage of the total votes cast.
** Seat Calculation
** List the details of how the seat calculation was made.
** Leading Parties
** Lists the parties in descending order of votes and support.
** Party Support
** Shows the number of votes cast for the selected party by region or province.
** Downloadable report data
** Variety of low-level reports in Excel or CSV format.

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