WITS Meals Booking System : University of the Witwatersrand

Organisation : University of the Witwatersrand (WITS)
Facility Name : WITS Meals Booking System
Location : Johannesburg, South Africa
Website : https://www.wits.ac.za/

How To Login To WITS Meals Booking System?

To Login To WITS Meals Booking System, follow the below steps

Step-1 : Go to the link https://www.wits.ac.za/
Step-2 : Enter your Student Number
Step-3 : Enter the Password
Step-4 : Click on Login button

Meal Plans

The number (code) for each meal option above indicates the number of meals with which a student will be provided each week – e.g. Option 10A, for example, provides 10 meals per week. Full details of the “Wits Smart Dining” online meal booking system (which enables students to book additional meals, or to unbook a particular meal, or to move meal bookings) are available on registration.

Please note:
** Unfortunately the University is not able to cater for individuals with strict dietary needs, whether for religious or for medical reasons. Such students are therefore normally allocated to self-catering residences after consideration of each individual’s needs.
** A student whose academic term dates do not correspond with the normal first-year undergraduate term dates should consult the Catering Liaison Officer responsible for his/her dining hall regarding the related additional meals and the cost thereof.

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Catered Accommodation

** The rentals and meal prices in Section A.1 cover the general undergraduate academic year, which is a period of about 36 weeks. New first-year undergraduates in residences receive free accommodation during the orientation period – i.e. 05 Feb to 23 Feb.
** The normal rental period for residence students then commences on 24 Feb in preparation for the start of the academic year on Monday, 28 Feb.
** A student whose academic year is longer than the general undergraduate academic year will be charged additional rentals and meals for the associated additional accommodation.
** This is especially applicable to Health Sciences students in clinical years of study and to postgraduates (including most Honours, PHD and Masters Students). They must therefore consult the
** Accommodation Officers of their residences early in the year to confirm their personal term dates and associated additional charges, if any.
** Failure to do so will not absolve a student from the obligation to pay additional rental, and to pay for the related additional meals and levies.
** Students in catering residences are required to vacate their residences during the mid-year vacation, but they are not required to do so during the April and September study breaks.
** A student in a catering residence may remain in his/her residence only until the day after he/she has completed his/her examinations. This applies to the mid- year and the end-of-year examination periods.

Note: Any student who remains in a catering residence without written permission for more than one night after his/her last examination in June/July or in December may face disciplinary and/or financial consequences, and may be excluded from the Residence Programme thereafte


** For any enquiries, please contact: dininghallcatering.services AT wits.a.c.za
** Dennis Johst (Operation Administrator) : 011 717 1763 / Dennis.Johst AT wits.ac.za
** Bontle Mogapi (Operations Manager) : 011 717 1731 / Bontle.Mogapi AT wits.ac.za

Functions of University of the Witwatersrand

The University of the Witwatersrand, also known as Wits, is a leading public research university in South Africa. Some of the key functions of Wits include:

Wits offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various faculties, including Commerce, Engineering, Law, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, and the Built Environment.

Wits is a research-intensive university and conducts research in a variety of fields, such as health, social sciences, engineering, natural sciences, and humanities. Wits is home to many research centers, including the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER), the Wits Institute for Sustainable Malaria Control (WISMC), and the Institute for Advanced Social Research (IASR).

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