UNISA Contact Details For Student Assistance & Service : University of South Africa

Organisation : University of South Africa
Service Name : Contact Details For Student Assistance & Service
Headquarters : Pretoria
Industry : University
Service/ Product : Student Assistance & Service
Website : https://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Contact-us/Student-enquiries

UNISA Student Assistance Contact Details

The Unisa Student Communication Centre (Specific contact details for student assistance and service) will be open from 08:00 – 19:00 Monday to Friday, 08:00 – 14:00 (SAST) on Saturdays in order to support students writing examinations.

Related / Similar Facility : Search UNISA Student Number Online

** If you send an e-mail directly to a Unisa e-mail address, insert your student number in the subject line to effect the correct routing to an advisor for processing.
** Please check the list carefully and send an enquiry to one e-mail address only. This will ensure that there is no confusion as to who must respond, thereby preventing unnecessary delays in the response or the email portrayed as spam.
** Students should only forward enquiries to the Registrar and Deputy Registrar in instances where those enquiries could not be resolved at other levels.

Information Services Division

Type of enquiry E-mail Telephone
Student misdirected enquiries and FAQs enquire [AT] unisa.ac.za 0800 00 1870

myUnisa & myLife:

Type of enquiry E-mail Telephone
myUnisaHelp [AT] unisa.ac.za
myLifeHelp [AT] unisa.ac.za
012 429 3111 (Option 2)

Student Admissions and Registrations

Type of enquiry E-mail
General applications and registration queries study-info [AT] unisa.ac.za
Postgraduate diplomas and Honours degrees artshons [AT] unisa.ac.za

sciencehons [AT] unisa.ac.za

econhons [AT] unisa.ac.za

eduhons [AT] unisa.ac.za

lawhons [AT] unisa.ac.za

cashons [AT] unisa.ac.za

Related Post
Master’s and doctoral qualifications mandd [AT] unisa.ac.za
College of Accounting Sciences econ [AT] unisa.ac.za
College of Economic and Management Science econ [AT] unisa.ac.za
College of Education Undergraduate: educare [AT] unisa.ac.za
College of Human Sciences Undergraduate: artes [AT] unisa.ac.za
College of Law jus [AT] unisa.ac.za
College of Science, Engineering & Technology
College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
scientia [AT] unisa.ac.za
International students international [AT] unisa.ac.za
Exemptions adhoccredits [AT] unisa.ac.za
Access and matriculation exemption ame [AT] unisa.ac.za
Re-admissions study-info [AT] unisa.ac.za

Student Assessment Administration

Type of enquiry E-mail
General assignment enquiries assign [AT] unisa.ac.za
Student enquiries in respect of examination venues and examination invigilators invigilationandvenues [AT] unisa.ac.za

Assignment Administration

Type of enquiry E-mail Telephone
General assignment enquiries assign [AT] unisa.ac.za
012 429 3710
012 429 3958
011 471 3170
011 471 2764

Examination Administration

Type of enquiry E-mail Telephone
Examinations aegrotats [AT] unisa.ac.za
exams [AT] unisa.ac.za
examdisabled [AT] unisa.ac.za
examadmission [AT] unisa.ac.za
examinternational [AT] unisa.ac.za
remark [AT] unisa.ac.za
purchasescript [AT] unisa.ac.za
resexcoord [AT] unisa.ac.za
Examination Venue and Invigilation Administration invigilationandvenues [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 471 3174
011 471 2375
College of Accounting Sciences aegrotats [AT] unisa.ac.za
exams [AT] unisa.ac.za
examdisabled [AT] unisa.ac.za
examadmission [AT] unisa.ac.za
examinternational [AT] unisa.ac.za
remark [AT] unisa.ac.za
purchasescript [AT] unisa.ac.za
012 429 2254
012 429 4347
012 429 2700


College of Human Sciences
College of Education
Deliwe Mualefe 012 429 3309
Nthabiseng Ledwaba 012 429 6187
Carol Bafedi 012 429 2251
Bombeleni Makamu 012 429 8585
College of Economics &
Management Sciences
Tsheko Mogapi 012 429 3649
Tinyiko Mojadibe 012 429 2422
Thabo Mmako 012 429 2296
Virginia Selabe 012 429 4347
College of Law aegrotats [AT] unisa.ac.za
exams [AT] unisa.ac.za
examdisabled [AT] unisa.ac.za
examadmission [AT] unisa.ac.za
examinternational [AT] unisa.ac.za
remark [AT] unisa.ac.za
purchasescript [AT] unisa.ac.za
012 429 8641
012 429 2268
College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
College of Science, Engineering and Technology
aegrotats [AT] unisa.ac.za
exams [AT] unisa.ac.za
examdisabled [AT] unisa.ac.za
examadmission [AT] unisa.ac.za
examinternational [AT] unisa.ac.za
remark [AT] unisa.ac.za
purchasescript [AT] unisa.ac.za
011 471 2928
011 471 3121

Finance, Student Funding and Study Material

Section Type of enquiry E-mail Telephone
Debtors Student account enquiries finan [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 429 2441 / 4299
Student Funding
General Student Funding enquiries letsomp [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 441 5600
Study Material
Despatch Despatch enquiries despatch [AT] unisa.ac.za
Mdu Zulu Despatch Enquiries Supervisor zulum [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 429 6942
Thelma Mangena Despatch Enquiries Supervisor Mangemt [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 471 3688
Nkadimeng Lebone Despatch Enquiries Supervisor Nlebone [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 471 2276
Ms A Clarke Despatch Enquiries Supervisor aclarke [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 471 3712

All College-Specific Enquiries

Type of enquiry E-mail Telephone
College of Accounting Sciences CASenquiries [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 429 4211
College of Agriculture &
Environmental Sciences
caesenquiries [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 670 9351
011 471 3647
College of Economic &
Management Sciences
cemsenquiries [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 429 3925 / 4462
College of Education edu-enquiries [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 429 2645
College of Human Sciences chs [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 429 8285
College of Law lawdeanery [AT] unisa.ac.za

CLAWinquiries [AT] unisa.ac.za

012 429 4718

012 429 4860

012 429 6166

012 429 3253

012 429 4428

College of Science, Engineering & Technology cset [AT] unisa.ac.za or

scientia [AT] unisa.ac.za

011 670 9228
College of Graduate Studies ucgs [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 429 4644
Graduate School of Business Leadership sbl03 [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 652 0214

Regional Centres

Name / Region Type of enquiry E-mail Telephone
Eastern Cape
Mr MJ Nkgoang Nkgoamj [AT] unisa.ac.za 043 743 9246
Student Administration Port Elizabeth PE-Registration [AT] unisa.ac.za
Student Administration East London EL-Registration [AT] unisa.ac.za 043 709 0400
Student Administration Mthatha MTH-Registration [AT] unisa.ac.za 047 504 1304
Academic & Tutorial Support (PE) PE-Tutorials [AT] unisa.ac.za 041 392 0104
Academic & Tutorial Support (EL) EL-Tutorials [AT] unisa.ac.za 043 709 0437
Academic & Tutorial Support (Mthatha) MTH-Tutorials [AT] unisa.ac.za 047 504 1303
Student Counselling Services EL-Counselling [AT] unisa.ac.za

MTH-Counselling [AT] unisa.ac.za

PE-counselling [AT] unisa.ac.za

043 709 0423

047 504 1311

041 392 0117/8

EL Library Services elonlib [AT] unisa.ac.za 043 709 0431
PE Library Services pelib [AT] unisa.ac.za 041 392 0115
EL Computer Lab el-computerlab [AT] unisa.ac.za 043 709 0412
Hub (Mrs M Masalesa) gautengtl [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 441 5756 / 20 / 24
Sunnyside Learning Centre gautengtl [AT] unisa.ac.za 012 441 5751 / 5867
Unisa Science Campus in Florida Florida.GR [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 471 2111
Vaal Vaal_GR [AT] unisa.ac.za 016 455 6300
Ekurhuleni Ekurhuleni.GR [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 845 9330 / 9358
Johannesburg Johannesburg.GR [AT] unisa.ac.za 011 630 4509
Mr B Dlamini querieskzn [AT] unisa.ac.za 031 335 1700
Durban hub General enquiries 031 335 1700
North Eastern Region
Prof Moloko Sepota Management, governance, stakeholder relations and matters of a strategic nature sepotmm [AT] unisa.ac.za or mafumjt [AT] unisa.ac.za 0152903440
Giyani Student support and general queries giyani [AT] unisa.ac.za 015 811 5886
Makhado Student support and general queries makhado [AT] unisa.ac.za 015 516 3334
Middelburg Student support and general queries middelburg [AT] unisa.ac.za 013 243 6900
Nelspruit Student support and general queries nelspruit [AT] unisa.ac.za 013 756 0900
Polokwane Student support and general queries polokwane [AT] unisa.ac.za 015 290 3413
Mr MM Kokong mduma [AT] unisa.ac.za 014 594 8898/9
Rustenburg Regional Hub rustenburg [AT] unisa.ac.za 014 594 8812/13/60
Bloemfontein Regional Service Centre bloemfon [AT] unisa.ac.za 051 411 0440
Kimberley Regional Service Centre kimberle [AT] unisa.ac.za 053 830 4970
Kroonstad Regional Service Centre kroonsta [AT] unisa.ac.za 056 216 1968
Mafikeng Regional Service Centre mafikeng [AT] unisa.ac.za 018 391 0358/60
Potchefstroom Regional Service Centre potchefs [AT] unisa.ac.za 018 294 9051/55
Western Cape
Dr KI Jacobs capetown [AT] unisa.ac.za
Cape Town Campus Student Administration capetown [AT] unisa.ac.za 021 936 4114
Select Option 1
Cape Town Campus Academic Support ctntut [AT] unisa.ac.za 021 936 4114
Select Option 2
Cape Town Campus Counselling cptcounselling [AT] unisa.ac.za 021 936 4114
Select Option 4
Cape Town Campus Main Library ctnlib [AT] unisa.ac.za 021 936 4114
Select Option 3
Cape Town Campus Mobile Library ctnmob [AT] unisa.ac.za 021 936 4114
Select Option 3
George george [AT] unisa.ac.za Office closed
Ms. Seble S. Tadesse Student administration tadesss [AT] unisa.ac.za +251 114 350 078
Ms. Gelilawit B. Mekonnen Student administration mokongb [AT] unisa.ac.za +251 114 352 244
Ms. Zeyneba E. Ahmed Student administration ahmedze [AT] unisa.ac.za +251 114 352 092
Ms. Yerasework K. Hailu Director’s Office hailuyk [AT] unisa.ac.za +251 114 350 141

Generic Email addresses

** exams [AT] unisa.ac.za for Examinations
** aegrotat [AT] unisa.ac.za for AEGROTAT
** remark [AT] unisa.ac.za for remarks
** purchasescript [AT] unisa.ac.za for purchasing a script

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