DHA Matric ID Helpline : South Africa Department of Home Affairs

Organisation : South Africa Department of Home Affairs
Facility Name : Matric ID Helpline
Applicable For : Learners
Applicable State/UT : South Africa
Website : https://www.dha.gov.za/index.php

DHA Matric ID Helpline

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has set up four (4) helpline numbers to assist matriculants with enquiries about their ID cards for purposes of writing their final year examinations.

Related / Similar Facility : DHA Branch Appointment Booking System (BABS)

South Africa Matric ID Helpline Numbers

Numbers to call are as follows:
072 634 0589
073 567 6208
073 567 5968
072 634 0614
012 402 2245
0800 601 190

Learners who called the numbers would need to provide their full names; proof of registration for the matric exams; school; name of the principal; an examination number; an exam center number and a contact number.

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The Minister of Home Affairs, Mr Malusi Gigaba, says: “We want to ensure that in cases where these matriculants have not received their ID cards on time, we are able to expedite their applications so that they can receive their cards.

We would like to wish all the matriculants all the best as they sit down for their final examination and as a Department we will do our very best to remove from them the burden of having to worry about their identity cards before writing. We want them to focus singularly on the task of succeeding during these final examinations”. The Department has deployed dedicated staff to focus on the helpline.

Media Contact

For media enquiries kindly contact Mayihlome Tshwete on 072 869 2477 or Thabo Mokgola on 071 712 9710

General information about South African Identity books / Identity Documents:
An Identity document is important to get as soon as you are eligible (from 16 years of age) as it proves your identity. The green bar-coded Identity book (ID book) is also a legal form of identity when dealing with public and private institutions. There are many occasions when you will be requested to provide a copy of your ID book – for example for access to housing, education and healthcare services; to apply for a driver’s license or a job; when entering into business agreements and even when registering for the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

You will also need an identity book to apply for a passport, and visas to work, study or visit friends and family overseas. You will also need your identity book to register to vote in the general and municipal elections.

Identity documents are issued to South African citizens or permanent residence permit holders who are 16 years or older. People (including spouses and children) who are working for the South African government or one of its statutory bodies outside of South Africa also qualify to receive South African ID books.

You can apply for your ID book at any office of the Department of Home Affairs or any South African mission or consulate overseas. All applications are sent to the Department’s head office in Pretoria. There, your fingerprints will be matched with those already on record or entered into the National Population Register. Your application will then be processed and once issued, your ID book will be forwarded to the office where you made your application for you to collect.

You must provide your cellphone number in your application so that you can receive regular updates on the progress of your application by SMS. To get the SMS updates, simply SMS the word “ID” followed by your ID number to 32551. You will be charged R1 for each SMS sent.

Categories: Customer Care
Tags: dha.gov.za
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