dirco.gov.za ROSA Registration of SA Abroad : South Africa Department of International Relations

Organisation : South Africa Department of International Relations and Cooperation
Facility Name : ROSA Registration of SA Abroad
Applicable For : Travellers
Website : https://www.dirco.gov.za/


ROSA is the acronym for the ‘Registration of South Africans Abroad’, a software programme developed by the DIRCO Department of International Relations and Cooperation allowing travellers to register on-line.

Related / Similar Facility : ECPA e-Recruitment System

The information travellers register on ROSA allows the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to assist South African citizens in event of an emergency. The registration is a free, voluntary service provided by Government (through the Department of International Relations and Cooperation). ROSA is only available to South African citizens who are travelling, living or working abroad.

Why Should Register For DIRCO ROSA?

** Vast numbers of our people who travel abroad every day do not encounter any difficulties. However, through our missions abroad, we have assisted a growing number of South Africans who have become victims of crime, accident/s, illness, death, natural/man-made disasters, civil unrest, or whose family and/or next-of-kin needed to contact them in an emergency.
** Registration through this website is NOT considered proof of South African citizenship.
** If you apply for any service from an Embassy, High Commission or Consulate General (mission) while abroad, you will be asked by staff to provide proof of South African citizenship, such as a passport or bar coded ID book.
** By registering your trip on-line with DIRCO ROSA you assist the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to locate you during an emergency, verifying your status and liaising with your next-of-kin.
** Registration is voluntary and free of charge. We encourage you to consider registration as an integral part of your travel planning and security.

How To Register For DIRCO ROSA?

South African Citizens, both individual and group travellers, should register at the nearest South African Embassy, High Commission, or Consulate General abroad (South African Representation Abroad).

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You may also register before departure, in which case you may forward your request for registration to the following E-Mail Address: rosahelp AT dirco.gov.za.

Information on DIRCO ROSA is available on the Consular Information webpage: https://www.dirco.gov.za/

Advice for South African Citizens Travelling Abroad: https://www.dirco.gov.za/

Click on the heading “Registration of South Africans Abroad – ROSA” for more information: https://www.dirco.gov.za/


Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On DIRCO ROSA

How can the Embassy or Consulate assist me while I am abroad?
** The Chief Directorate: Consular Services in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, in close collaboration with the Consular Sections of South African Representatives abroad, provides consular services to South African citizens who work, live and travel abroad.
** Consular Services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On weekends and after hours, assistance is rendered in co-operation with the Department’s Operations Room in Pretoria. The Operations Room supports our 121 Representatives in 105 countries affording services that cover the entire world.

How will my information be used?
** ROSA will be utilised by Consular Officers at Head Office or at a South African Mission abroad in the event of a disaster, emergency or other crisis as outlined above.
** Only authorised officers of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation have access to the information which will only be used in the event of an emergency.
** This will enable the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to e.g. react by contacting the next-of-kin to verify the status of the South Africans travelling abroad that might have been affected by the emergency.


Please direct all enquiries regarding the Registration of South African Citizens to the following E-Mail: rosahelp AT dirco.gov.za.

Categories: Facilities
Tags: dirco.gov.za
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