SAGES Solly Marks Scholarship 2022 : South African Gastroenterology Society

Organisation : South African Gastroenterology Society (SAGES)
Scholarship Name : The Solly Marks Scholarship 2022
Applicable For : Researchers/ basic scientists in the field of Gastroenterology (or) Hepatology
Country : South Africa
Last Date : 30th June 2022
Website :

What is SAGES Solly Marks Scholarship

The purpose of the SAGES Scholarship award is to honour the memory of Professor Solly Marks by recognizing clinicians or researchers of distinction in the field of gastroenterology /hepatology on an annual basis. This is an educational grant that is to be used for the upskilling of an individual and that will benefit the general good of gastroenterology in South Africa, as Prof Marks would have wanted. Deadline is is 30th June 2022.

If Awarded, Grant Funding May Be Used For:
1. A finite research project.
2. Buying out of time from teaching or clinical responsibilities to enable the nominee to make substantial headway in a large research project or to complete a Masters or PhD.
3. Paying for research assistance.
4. Supporting a period of travel for research purposes (in or outside South Africa).
5. Conference attendance.
6. Attending a gastroenterology/hepatology course, which will advance the nominee’s skills.

Who Can Apply For SAGES Solly Marks Scholarship?

1. Nominations will only be accepted from members of SAGES in good standing for at least a year.
2. Nominations from trainees/ fellows in formal GIT fellowship posts will be considered. However, the project should be completed before the end of the gastroenterology/hepatology fellowship.
3. Researchers/ basic scientists in the field of gastroenterology or hepatology will be eligible for Solly Marks Scholarship.

Budget of Solly Marks Scholarship

The funding level is up to a maximum of R 100 000 per award, which must be fully accounted for by the end of the grant period.

How To Apply For SAGES Solly Marks Scholarship?

To apply for SAGES Solly Marks Scholarship, Follow the below steps

There is no application template for this funding opportunity. All applications must be typed. Applicants’ written motivation should include:
1. A CV.
2. A letter of motivation indicating the applicant’s specific intended use of the award.
3. If applying for an educational activity, proof of that activity must be submitted (e.g. letters of invitation, advertising brochures etc). If the educational activity is attendance of a conference, this will only be funded if the individual is presenting an abstract and will not be funded retrospectively.
4. If applying for a research project, a proposal must accompany the application, including a budget.
5. Applications for research projects that have ethics approval will have an advantage.

Please submit the scholarship application, proposal, budget and ethics committee approval to Karin.fenton AT

Scholarship Conditions

1. Awards must be taken up in the first year.
2. The successful applicant will be required to submit a report to the committee before the SAGES meeting in the following year after the award.
3. Any publications emanating from such funding must acknowledge the Solly Marks Scholarship.

What is the Last Date of SAGES Solly Marks Scholarship?

Last Date of SAGES Solly Marks Scholarship is 30th June 2022

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