: How To Save On Roaming Costs

Name of the Organization : MTN (PTY) LTD
Type of Facility : How To Save On Roaming Costs

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How to save on roaming costs :

Use SMS roaming :
** Dial *111*14# and use the Roaming menu to activate SMS Roaming.
** Once activated all your voice and data capabilities on your phone will be switched off and you will only be able to send and receive SMSs.

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Use iMail :
** Register for iMail on Once you are registered you can log in at any time and listen to your messages on the internet.

** When going overseas you can divert your calls to voicemail and listen to them on any computer with an internet connection.
** Not available at the moment for PayAsYouGo and TopUp customers.

Divert all your calls to voicemail :
** Before you leave SA you can divert all calls to go to voicemail.
** This means that whenever someone calls you the call will not leave South Africa to go to the country you are in—it will go straight to voicemail.

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** That way you don’t have to pay for an incoming call while roaming.
** Remember to register for iMail and listen to your messages on the internet.

Use Voicemail CallBack :
** While overseas dial the roaming shortcut code of *111*100# and your voicemail will call you back.
** You won’t have to enter PIN codes, and you pay only for receiving a call while roaming.

** If you don’t do this you have to dial +2783 1000 000 to listen to your voicemail and you’ll pay for an outgoing call, at international voice rates.
** Not available at the moment for PayAsYouGo and TopUp customers.

Data Rates :
** Make 100% sure you know what the data rates are.
** Overseas networks charge for data roaming in increments and rates are much higher than MTN charges in South Africa.
** Using data while roaming can cost you more than R150 per MB.
** Switch off all automatic updates on your device and computer.
** Your phone/ device/ laptop does automatic updates in the background while connected to the internet.

** Make sure you have switched off all automatic updates on your phones, devices and laptops when roaming.
** If you have a BlackBerry® remember that roaming data usage is not inclusive in your BIS, BES or BIS-BES packages.
** All Blackberry® data usage is charged at data roaming rates at the data roaming increment of 25KB.
** To deactivate your internet connection go to ‘Mobile Networks’ on your phone and turn ‘Data Roaming Services’ / ‘Data Services’ off.

Contact Address :
Private Bag 9955.
Cresta 2118.
South Africa.

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