SASSA Special Covid-19 SRD Grant Payment Dates For April 2022 South Africa

Organisation : South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)
Facility Name : Special Covid-19 SRD Grant Payment Dates For April 2022
Country : South Africa
Website :

What is SASSA Special Covid-19 SRD Grant?

The President declared a National State of Disaster as a result of the Covid-19 global pandemic. In this regard he introduced a special Covid 19 Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) of R350 per month for 6 months to be paid to individuals who are currently unemployed, do not receive any form of income, social grant or UIF payment etc.

This SASSA Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Programme was confirmed in the Regulations made under Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19, as amended.

SASSA Special Covid-19 SRD Grant

SASSA Special Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant SRD SAPO R350 Payment Dates for April 2022

FAQ On SASSA Special Covid R350 Grant

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On SASSA Special Covid R350 Grant

1.What is the qualifying criteria?
A person who is:
a) A South African Citizen, Permanent Resident or Refugee registered on the Home Affairs database and persons who are holders of special permits under the Special Angolan Dispensation, the Lesotho Exemption Permit dispensation and the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit Dispensation, and asylum seekers whose section 22 permits or visas are valid or were valid on 15 March 2020;
b) Currently residing within the borders of the Republic of South Africa;
c) Above the age of 18 and below the age of 60;
d) Unemployed;
e) Not receiving any social grant in respect of himself or herself;
f) Not receiving an unemployment insurance benefit and does not qualify to receive an unemployment insurance benefit;
g) Not receiving a stipend from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme and other financial aid;
h) Not receiving any other governmentCOVID-19 response support; i)Not a resident in a government funded or subsidized institution

2.Will the application be accepted if I do not agree to the terms and conditions on the Declaration&Consent document?
If consent is not granted, the application will not be submitted to SASSA

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3. Will the application be accepted if I do not indicate that I have read the You and my Covid 19 grant document?
The application will not be submitted if the client does not indicate that, he/she has read and understood the You and my Covid 19 grant document

4. What will happen if client fails bank verification?
A SMS notification will be sent to the client to correct bank details. If a client does not respond to the sms a SAPO account will be opened for the client for payment purposes

5. Can I use somebody else’s phone number or bank account?
Applicants to note that the bank account or the cellular phone number provided for payment MUST be registered in the name

6. I cancelled my application because I received a temporary job but now it is finished. Can I re-apply?
Clients who previously cancelled the grant, and who would like to re-activate the grant, due to a change in their circumstances are welcome to re-apply

Some Important Information From Comments

1. My application status got declined, because of UIF registration. I have decided to visit department of labour, then they said, my status “insufficient funds, so please help me to get R350.

2. In the website, there is no option to change payment method from Post Office to Pickpay.

General Instructions On SASSA SRD Grant Payment

The SASSA SRD Grant is a temporary social grant provided by the South African government to assist individuals and households who are in need of immediate relief due to unexpected circumstances, such as disasters or emergencies. The SRD Grant is typically paid in cash and is intended to help eligible beneficiaries meet their basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter.

The payment dates and amounts for the SASSA SRD Grant may vary depending on government policies and regulations, as well as the specific circumstances for which the grant is being provided. In some cases, the payment may be made as a once-off lump sum, while in other cases, it may be provided on a monthly basis for a specified period.

It’s important to note that the information regarding SASSA SRD Grant payment dates and amounts may change over time, and it’s advisable to refer to the official SASSA website or contact SASSA directly for the most up-to-date and accurate information on the SRD Grant and its payment process.

Categories: Facilities

View Comments (33)

  • Mildred buthelezi says:

    April, may,June,july and August cancelled by mistake and November decline please heelpme

  • Mefulo precious says:

    My applications is cancelled by mistake

  • Anonymous says:

    Please help me to change my banking details

  • Mapuleng Thamae says:

    Helo I have cancelled my reconsideration grant of August to may 2022 nd they were already approved Los can anyone help.i have tried to reinstate but it says failed

  • I cancelled my r350 by mistake pls help me

    • Dingisiwe says:

      Please help me
      Please help me

  • I've cancelled 350 April and may by mistake any one who can help me to reinstate

  • Decline alternative income identify

  • Nkele Anna says:

    i have decline because of my sassa child support grant of 460 payment in my bank buf im unemployment and i help my child to get food with that 350 pay school tranport with that money now im heart broken i dont no what im going to do when
    thd school is reopening april may pending june decline july pending please help me

  • Sapholomzi says:

    IAM sapholomzi LILELO I declined 350
    But me I not working I don't know what happened please any one can help me

  • Please I want to change my banking details

  • Lefa matsoso says:

    Since last year I dint get the money please help me

  • I'm roundy Matshaya iwant 2 knew what's going my appilication decline idnt hve money in on my Account

  • Ntombekhaya Mbuthia says:

    Hi Iwant reinstate cancelled plz help me

  • Veina lerato says:

    I am decline but I am no working I want to know how

  • Hasani Winston Sithole says:

    im not why you dicline my application?

  • My R350 has declined,it says there is an income I get of which is the assistance from a friend to my child's education

  • David Andrew says:

    Please help me I wanted this grand from post office to my bank account

  • Musawenkosi Mcetywa says:

    Unfair UIF registration,while I'm unemployed

  • Musawenkosi Mcetywa says:

    My application status declined,because of UIF registration ,,I've decided to visit department of labour,then they have said my status said "insufficient funds,so please anyone who can help me to get R350 ,

  • When is my money approve tymebank

  • When is my money approve april may nd june in my bank account tymebank

  • Delisile sibey says:

    How do I change my payment from Post office to pick and pay because the is no option for it.please help

  • Glynn Mabuza says:

    How do one change payment method from postoffice to pickpay payment,there is no option for it
    please assist .Glynn mabuza

  • How do i change payment method if i dont have phone nomber i registered from.and why still show pending for april

  • I am stil waiting for my april money show pending whats going on i need it really pls help

  • M. Odendaal says:

    Who updates Sassa payment details on payment dates withthe Merchants Boxer,PicknPay,Shoprite and Usave,when their system shows identification failed upon verifying refer u back to Post Office

  • Still waiting since April no monies received??

  • Makhosonke victor msibi says:

    Admin help me to get my money for August September October November

  • Kholofelo says:

    Help guys how can I apply it

  • Motheane tsotetsi says:

    My problem uif another company so me I don't work nix so problem i try to apply 350 is problem about company please help me coz all ways is applying is declining

    • I've cancelled 350 April and may by mistake any one who can help me to reinstate

  • Zamile princess says:

    Please help me to change my banking details © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map