WCE NSC Question Papers & Memos June 2021 : National Senior Certificate Exam Western Cape

Organisation : Western Cape Education Department (WCE)
Exam Name : National Senior Certificate Examination (NSC)
Announcement : Download Question Papers & Memos
Year : June 2021
Website : https://wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za/grade-12-question-papers

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WCE NSC Exam English Question Paper

Western Cape Education Department (WCE) National Senior Certificate Examination (NSC) Exam English Question Paper

Section A: Comprehension
Question 1: Reading For Meaning And Understanding
Read TEXT A and TEXT B below and answer the questions set.

Teens Struggle To Combat Conformity
1. In the Twilight Zone episode ‘Eye of the Beholder by Rod Serling, a woman goes through surgery after surgery in order to try to achieve the beauty by which she is surrounded. Each surgery ends up as a failure, and with each she grows more and more hopeless that she is unlike everyone else around her. At the end of the episode, it is revealed that a beautiful woman is really trying to conform to the faces of everyone else, or the societal norm, highlighting the way society’s concept of ‘beauty’ can sometimes be truly absurd, subjective and alienating

2. This episode is a perfect example of conformity:shaping actions and beliefs to align with the opinions and behaviours of others.

3. Unfortunately, fiction has become reality. Currently, teenagers conform to anything and everything to avoid standing out in the fear of being judged or exiled by their peers. They do so, even if they do not agree with the beliefs of the clique to which they choose to belong.

4. Of course, there is healthy conformity. Listening when your mother tells you to wash the dishes is considered healthy and normal.However, the unhealthy kind, in which teens blindly follow the ideas and actions of a group of people, without realising what kind of negative effects it has on them and society today, is growing to be increasingly common

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5. There are some major causes for the increase inconformity in the past few years. Seeing skinny models with perfect bodies in magazines and on social media makes teens believe the only way they will feel good about themselves is to look like those models. If they don’t, they pretend –’fake it until you make it.However, most pictures in magazines and on social media are photoshoppedin such a way that an unrealistic expectation is created.

6. Also, teenagers are still exploring themselves. They want to establish their identity without being the same as their parents. They often conclude that acting like a certain group of people will allow them to establish their identity and have stability and acceptance in their lives. When they find that sense of family within their clique, they do not realise that they have been conforming.

7. Some of the effects of this level of conformity are that teens tend to mature at a younger age in the hope of fitting in. The use of make-up among teenagers has shot up by 90 percent just in the last decade. Moreover, diversity has been lost. Groups like goths1have ceased to exist, because they try to fit in with what they think is considered ‘cool’,and have blended in with everyone else. Even misfits tend to dress and act like one another in order to fit in amongst themselves

8. Teens tend to change their personality when they come into contact with new people, shifting from being shallow and petty to caring in a matter of minutes. This stress of always needing to fit in causes teens to be afraid of the possibility of not being able to fit in, even at lunch or at a school dance

9. In the Ash Experiment, part of a study done on conformity and human behaviour, a teen sat with many actors and was given a set of lines. He was asked to determine which of the two lines was equally sized. Every time he gave the correct answer, the actors would give the wrong answer. After only two or three questions, the teen started giving the same incorrect answer as the rest of the actors, because he was not confident enough to trust what he saw with his own eyes.

10. However, it’s not entirely the fault of teenagers that they feel the need to conform. In today’s world, there are numerous outside influences that put too much pressure on them, such as commercials and social media. However, conformity can be lessened. If all teenagers received a sense of empathy and understanding from their families, they might not feel such a huge need to conform to their friends or a certain clique. It is very important for parents to develop connections with their children, and influence them in ways in which they are able to accept diversity, to empathise with others, and to reject negative influences.

11. Comfortable teens are able to develop the ability to make choices about what to think, how to act, and also to make individual decisions, without feeling anxiety when those decisions do not conform to peer and societal norms.

Questions: Text A
1.1 Explain why the writer refers to the episode of Twilight Zone in paragraph
1.2 Refer to paragraph 2.What is the purpose of this single-sentence paragraph?(2)
1.3 Refer to paragraph 3.Give TWO reasons for teenagers desire to conform.(2)
1.4 Explain,in your own words, the argument that the writer presents in paragraph 4.(2)
1.5 Comment on how fake it until you make it'(line23) contributes to the understanding of the mindset of young people.(3)
1.6 Discuss the paradox evident in paragraph 6.(3)
1.7 Critically discuss the implications of the statement that ‘diversity has been lost'(line33)in the context of paragraph 7.(3)
1.8 Refer to paragraph 9. Do you think that the Ash Experiment made a meaningful contribution to the investigation on conformity? Motivate your response.(3)

Questions: Text B
1.9 Study the boy in the cap in FRAMES 1 and 2.Discuss what the visual and verbal texts reveal about his character.(3)
1.10 Critically assess the logic of the boy’s statement in FRAME 4,’NO…NO! NOT AT ALL! KEEP TELLING PEOPLE THAT.’

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