cput.ac.za Apply for Admission 2020 : Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Organization : Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Head Quarters: Bellville
Facility : Apply for Admission
Closing Date : 30 September 2019

Website : http://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply
Application Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/216-application_form.pdf
Application Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/216-application_guide.pdf

How To Apply For CPUT Admission?

How to apply :
** You are now at the first step of your career – applying for admission.

Related / Similar Service :
CPUT Online Application 2022

CPUT Track Status

There are two ways you can apply to CPUT :
** a paper-based form
** online via our website
** We are currently testing our online application system, so only certain groups of students can apply online.
** If you can’t apply online, don’t despair, you can still apply using our 7-step, paper based, application process

Step 1: Choose a qualification
** Mastering the technology required to send a satellite into space, saving lives with your specialised knowledge of emergency medical care or designing a fashion collection – the sky is the limit when it comes to choosing a course of study at CPUT.

Our Courses

** We offer more than 70 career-focused courses.
** The documents and links below will help you choose the course that’s right for you.
** Faculty Handbooks contain detailed information about each faculty and course.
** The Online Prospectus will show you all our courses, their subjects, and their estimated cost.

Step 2: Get an application form
** To apply for admission, you have to complete an application form.
** Some courses require students to submit additional information as part of their application.
** Please see the Additional admission requirements for more information.
** Please note that applicants are limited to three choices (to be filled in on one form).
** Any further applications will be discarded.

There are four ways you can get a form to apply for admission :
1. Download a PDF of the form that you can print at home.
2. Collect a form at the Registration and Applications Office on the various campuses.

3. Request that an application form be mailed to you by writing to the Registrar:
The Registrar
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
PO Box 1906
4. Request that an application form be sent to you by filling in the form

Step 3: Gather your documents
** A number of documents must be submitted with your application form.
** Do not send any original documents, only send certified copies.
** Copies of documents can be certified at a police station.

Required Documents

Documents to be submitted by South African citizens :
** Copy of the proof of payment of your application fee.
** A certified copy of the first page of your Identity Document.

** A certified copy of your Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification.
** If you are still in Grade 12, your marks obtained in Grade 11 together with your most recent Grade 12 marks must be submitted.

** An original Academic Record and a Certificate of Conduct, or certified copies of other certificates/ diplomas/ degrees you obtained previously from any other higher education institution.
** Any other documents specifically required for the course to which you are applying, as explained in the application form and admission requirements.

Documents to be submitted by non-South African citizens :
** Copy of the proof of payment of your application fee.
** A certified copy of your passport/ refugee permit or proof of permanent residence.
** A certified copy of your school-leaving certificate, together with an English translation.
** A scratch card (students from the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examinations Council (NECO)).

** Sixth year Bulletin: Diplom D’Etat and Journal and transcripts of results or Journal or Confirmation of Results from the Embassy (students from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo or Cameroon).
** Any other documents specifically required for the course to which you are applying, as explained in the application form and admission requirements.

Step 4: Fill in the application form
** Use your official documents to help you fill in the application form.
** Read the application form’s instructions carefully and fill in all the required sections.
** Incomplete forms will not be processed.

Here are some tips to help you fill in the form correctly :
** Your name, surname, and identity number or passport number must be filled in exactly as they are written in your identity document or passport.
** When filling in the qualification you want to study, make sure that you use the correct name of the qualification.
** Check the name of the qualification on the CPUT website or in the prospectus booklet.

** Applicants are limited to three choices (to be filled in on one form).
** Any further applications will be discarded.
** If you want to stay in a CPUT residence, tick Yes in the appropriate block and complete the residence application form at the back of the application form.

Related Post

** You will not be allocated a place in a residence if you do not tick Yes and complete the residence application form. Residence space is not guaranteed.
** You address is the address where you live permanently. Ask your parents for a municipal bill and copy the address from the bill.

** Even if you are going to apply for a bursary or loan you must fill in the details of the person who is responsible for paying your fees since bursaries and loans are not guaranteed.
** Read through and complete the legal undertaking in full.
** Complete the checklist at the back of the form.
** Read through the form again to make sure you have filled in all the information.

Step 5: Pay the application fee
** You must pay a R100 non-refundable application fee before your application form can be processed.
** You must attach a copy of the proof of payment to your application form. Keep the original proof of payment in a safe place.

** A non-refundable late application fee of R150 is applicable to applications submitted after the official closing date.
** Late applications are only accepted if late applications have been officially announced by the institution on its website.

Payment Methods

We accept these payment methods :
1. Cash payments, which can be made directly at the Cashiers’ Office on your preferred campus.
2. A bank deposit, using the bank details
3. A crossed postal order or crossed, bank guaranteed cheque made out to Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Step 6: Send in your form and documents
** Completed application forms and accompanying documents must be submitted to the Admissions Office.

How To Submit

You can submit your application form and accompanying documents in two ways:
1. Forms can be hand-delivered at the campus where the programme is offered. The venues of offering of all courses are outlined in the application form.
2. Forms can also be posted to the Admissions Office at the campus where the programme is offered, by using the addresses below.

Courses at the Bellville Campus :
Admissions Office
PO Box 1906
Republic of South Africa

Courses at the Cape Town and Granger Bay Campuses :
Admissions Office
PO Box 652
Cape Town
Republic of South Africa

Courses at the Mowbray Campus :
Admissions Office
PO Box 13881
Republic of South Africa

Courses at the Wellington Campus :
Admissions Office
Private Bag X8
Republic of South Africa

Step 7: Follow-up and get your admission status
** All applications are loaded onto the CPUT system. Once loaded onto the system, an sms will be sent to you acknowledging that the institution has received your application.
** Note, this is not an acceptance notice.

Start studying :
** Successful candidates will be notified in writing of their acceptance to the institution.
** You will be informed of the registration dates and times as well as the commencement of class.

Submit your final marks :
** Students who applied with their Grade 11 and mid-year Grade 12 marks must submit a certified copy of their final Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification marks at the beginning of the academic year.
** Students who do not submit their final marks will lose their provisional acceptance.


Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)

Q: What is Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)?
A: CPUT is a university of technology in Cape Town, South Africa. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in various fields including engineering, applied sciences, business, and health sciences.

Q: When was CPUT established?
A: CPUT was established in January 2005, through the merger of the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon.

Q: What are the campuses of CPUT?
A: CPUT has six campuses in Cape Town, including the Cape Town campus, Bellville campus, Mowbray campus, Granger Bay campus, Wellington campus, and Athlone campus.

Q: What programmes does CPUT offer?
A: CPUT offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in various fields including engineering, applied sciences, business, and health sciences. Some of the popular programmes include mechanical engineering, accounting, information technology, and nursing.

Additional Simplified Procedure

Here are the steps on how to apply for CPUT admission online:
1. Go to the CPUT website and click on the “Apply” tab.
2. Select the “Online Application” option.
3. Create an account and log in.
4. Select the qualification you want to apply for.
5. Enter your personal details and academic qualifications.
6. Upload the required documents.
7. Pay the application fee.
8. Submit your application.

Here are the detailed steps:
1. Choose a qualification and special requirements. You can find a list of all the qualifications offered by CPUT on the website. Once you have chosen a qualification, you will need to check the special requirements for that qualification. For example, some qualifications require you to have a certain level of English proficiency.
2. Gather your documents or upload further/ outstanding documents. You will need to upload the following documents as part of your application:
** A copy of your ID/passport
** A copy of your academic transcripts
** A letter of motivation
** A CV
** Any other documents that are required for the qualification you are applying for
3. Get an application form (manual applications only). If you are unable to apply online, you can download an application form from the CPUT website. You will need to print the form, fill it in, and submit it with the required documents.
4. Online application. This is the most common way to apply for admission to CPUT. To apply online, you will need to create an account on the CPUT website and log in. Once you are logged in, you will be able to start your application.
5. Follow-up and get your admission status. Once you have submitted your application, you will be able to track your application status online. You will also be notified of your admission status by email.
6. Apply for Residence. If you are planning to stay in residence, you will need to apply for residence separately. You can find more information about residence on the CPUT website.

Categories: University/College
Tags: cput.ac.za

View Comments (4)

  • I have NCV 4 certificate obtained from TVET college which is equivalent to grade 12. Do I qualify to do my national diploma in Information Technology?

  • Carey-Ann Delport says:

    I would like to apply for a 4 years nursing course. Please forward me the application forms.

  • NTOBEKO ZIFO says:


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