Supplier Verification : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Organisation : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
Facility : Supplier Verification
Location : Port Elizabeth
Website :

How To Verify Nelson Mandela Bay Supplier?

In accordance with NMBM Supply Chain Management policy a Business, that wishes to do business with NMBM, must register on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) & NMBM Supplier Database.

Related / Similar Service : Nelson Mandela Bay Supplier Database Registration

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website through provided above.
Step 2 : Enter Your NMBM Supplier Reference
Step 3 : Enter the CSD Number
Step 4 : Enter the security code
Step 5 : Click on “Proceed” button to Print/Download Supplier Registration Letter

FAQ On NMBM Portal

1. How to obtain the billing clearance certificate?
The municipal account holder, authorized person or director of the business whishing to tender, must call in person at the Billing Clearance office, in order to request a certificate.

The billing clearance official on duty will interrogate the NMBM Billing System to verify whether any debt is owing to NMBM and issue the relevant certificate.

If there are arrears service charges owing to NMBM, the applicant will be required to settle the full arrears or conclude suitable re-payment arrangements in terms of Council’s approved Debt Collection Policy.

A copy of said policy can be found under policies on the NMBM Website in order to view details of affordable r-payment terms on offer by NMBM.

2. What do I do if I have been given access to use the NMBM ‘s Supplier Portal and I have forgotten my Log In Pa…
To have your Supplier Portal Log In password reset you need to complete the Supplier Portal Access Request Form and submit same as a “Password Reset” request to either : supplierenquiries [AT] OR Fax : 041-5061212

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A Billing Clearance Certificate is a document that all Registered Companies, Close Corporations, Trusts, Partnerships and a Sole Proprietorships, require when the wish to tender on any contract/supply of goods/rendering of services etc. which went out on Tender from NMBM. In order for any prospective Supplier, he / she / the business have to be registered on the NMBM Supplier Database with Trade World.

The Billing Clearance Certificate contains the following information
** Date of issue
** Time of issue
** Name of the business
** Address from which the business is being operated
** All NMBM accounts and persons linked to the application. (Business and/or Residential)
** The expiry date of the certificate which is only valid for 30 days.

When receiving the tender applications with the Billing Clearance Certificate & Tax Clearance Certificate attached, all accounts are verified on the system as paid up. If the accounts are up to date, the tender application will be accepted.

In the event that an account is in arrears, the tender application will not be considered, unless the account is paid in full or suitable arrangements have been made by the customer if he/she has a pending query on their account(s).

In instances like this Customer Care Section need to supply the person with a letter stating that formal arrangements have been concluded or that the account is paid up to date as the payments and arrangements will not reflect on the system immediately. After completion of the above, a new and valid Billing Clearance Certificate can be issued again.

A Tender Application should always be accompanied by the following legal documents
** A valid Billing Clearance Certificate
** A valid Tax Clearance Certificate issued by SARS

Without the submission of the two legal documents, the tender application will not be considered.

Functions of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is a local government authority located in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Some of the key functions of the municipality include:

Providing Basic Services:
The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is responsible for providing basic services such as water, electricity, sanitation, and refuse removal to the residents of the area.

Urban Planning & Development:
The municipality is responsible for urban planning and development within its jurisdiction, including the management of land use, building regulations, and spatial planning.

Road Infrastructure:
The municipality is responsible for the maintenance and construction of roads, bridges, and other related infrastructure within its jurisdiction.

Safety & Security:
The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of its residents through the provision of law enforcement services, disaster management, and emergency response.

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