Supplier Database Registration : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Organisation : Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
Facility : Supplier Database Registration
Location : Port Elizabeth
Website :

How To Do Nelson Mandela Bay Supplier Database Registration?

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) must keep a list of “accredited prospective service providers” of goods and services that must be used for all procurement requirements, i.e. NMBM SUPPLIER DATABASE.

Related / Similar Service : Nelson Mandela Bay Supplier Verification

Suppliers can initially register with the NMBM Supplier Database then must annually re-submit Verification Form to maintain compliance.

Steps :
Step 1 : Read the instructions
Step 2 : Download Application form
Step 3 : Return Signed Form with supporting documents to Register OR for Annual Verification

Step 4 : On receiving ALL relevant documents, SCM will email the Supplier Code OR the Annual Compliance confirmation. Please allow 3 days for this process.

Step 5 : Once a Supplier received their NMBM Supplier Code, a Supplier can
** Print / Download Confirmation of NMBM registration
** Tender FORMALLY
** CHECK an existing NMBM Creditors Account Statement on the Supplier Query Portal

Instructions On NMBM Supplier Database Registration

Central Supplier Database & Nmbm Supplier Database Registration Instructions

In accordance with NMBM Supply Chain Management policy a Business, that wishes to do business with NMBM, must register on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) & NMBM Supplier Database.

Related Post

Follow these steps :
1. Visit the National Treasury website
2. Click on the registration button

3. Follow the instructions, by completing the on-line forms and uploading the following documents
a. Proof of Company/Business registration
b. Certified affidavit
c. BBBEE certificate
d. Proof of banking details
e. Tax Clearance Certificate
f. CIDB (for construction and civil)
g. NHBRC (for building)
h. Relevant contact details
Ensure submission by clicking on the ‘Submit’ button.

4. After at least 4 days, log back into CSD to check if the banking details are verified.

5. After the Service Provider’s CSD profile is confirmed compliant by CSD, then download the “NMBM Suppliers Verification Form” from the Forms Repository at

6. Electronic Option
6.1 Scan the following documents into one file
a. Completed NMBM Supplier Verification Form (for listing on the NMBM database)
b. Certified ID copy of the signatory – certified at a SA Police Station
c. Certified BBBEE / Affidavit – certified at a SA Police Station
d. Certified NHBRC (for building) – certified at a SA Police Station
e. CIDB grading (for building)
6.2 Rename this scan file by the name of the Business
6.3 Email this scanned file to SCMdatabase [AT]

6.4 When the Service Provider receives their Verification Letter, the Originals must be delivered to the Compliance Box at the Security Office at NMBM Depot / SCM Harrower Road, Kensington.

7. Normal Option (this option will incur an additional 2-day turnaround time)
7.1 Deliver or Courier physical documents, in a clearly marked envelope, to the above address.


This office is closed to the public due to Covid-19. For Queries, call 041-506 3274 / 3266.

FAQ On Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Q: What is the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality?
A: The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is a metropolitan municipality located in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. It is named after the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.

Q: What are the services provided by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality?
A: The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality provides a wide range of services, including water and sanitation, waste management, electricity, roads and infrastructure, housing, and community services such as libraries and sports facilities.

Q: How do I pay my municipal bills in Nelson Mandela Bay?
A: Municipal bills can be paid online through the municipality’s website, or in person at one of its customer care centres. The municipality also offers various payment options, including debit orders and pre-paid electricity.

Categories: Facilities

View Comments (2)

  • veliswa c ntibana says:

    hi i sand my documents last of lastweek but im still weit your email from you guys

  • V Hosking says:

    Good day
    I am trying to get through to the Supplier Database Registration Department but the phones just ring. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map