hssonline.gov.za : HSS How to Submit External Searches?

Organisation : HSS
Facility Name : How to Submit External Searches
Applicable For : South Africans
Website : https://www.hssonline.gov.za/#/

What is HSS External Search?

The External Search process was developed to provide a pre-screening functionality, to assist provincial / municipal role players to understand the profile of households within a specific area ear-marked for development.

The results of the External Process cannot and should not be used to exclude / decline a household from submitting a housing subsidy application form.

How To Create An External Search Batch?

In order to create an external search batch, the registered HSS Online User needs to logon into HSS Online and follow the steps outlined below

Steps :
Step 1 : Click on the “Search Module” tab at the top of the screen.
Step 2 : Select “External Searches” from the tab on the left hand side of the screen

Step 3 : A new window will open and then click “Create New Search”.
Step 4 : Click the “Select” next to the company subscriber to create the new external search.

Step 5 : Click on “Here” to download the “Search Batch Template”.
Step 6 : Save the document template named “SearchBatchSample” in a location where you can easily find it again.

Step 7 : Open the saved “Search Batch Template” that you downloaded with Excel and populate the required fields with valid information.
** Ensure that the IDNo column only contains a 13 digit number.

** The Income column should only contain whole numbers. No cents with a “.” or “,” should be captured in the column.

Step 8 : Do not use any special characters in any of the fields as this negatively affects the search process for example: commas (,) Full Stop (.) Apostrophes (‘) Inverted commas (“) Dash (-) Back / Front Slash (/ \).

Step 9 : Save the spreadsheet that you have populated in a known location on your computer.

Step 10 : Alt Tab back to HSS Online – “Create New Search” screen and capture a description for the search batch you are submitting in the text box next to the Description field.

Step 11 : Click on the select boxes in the “Databases to search” next to each database that the search must be executed against.

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** Deeds – Search for any registered title deed; De-select the deeds option unless you have obtained permission to request a search against the Deeds Databases due to the financial implication of conducting a deeds search;

** NHDB – National Housing Subsidy Database;
** POP – Population Register;
** UIF – Unemployment Insurance Fund; and
** PF – Government Pension Fund.

Step 12 : Click on the text box – Choose File.

Step 13 : Navigate to the directory on your computer where you have saved your excel spreadsheet and select the relevant file. Ensure that you have selected the correct file.

Step 14 : Click the “Submit Payload” text box at the bottom of the page. This action will submit your file for searches against the databases that you have selected.

Step 15 : The outcome / results of the search process will be available the next working day.
Step 16 : Ensure you click the “Logoff” button.

Guidelines : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/pdf2021/20949-Gl.pdf

How To View External Search Batch Results?

Step 17 : In order to view the results of the external search batch that you have created, logon to HSS Online and follow the steps outlined below:
Step 18 : Click on the “Search Module” tab at the top of the screen.

Step 19 : Select “External Searches” from the tab on the left hand side of the screen
Step 20 : On the new window that opened click “View Results”.

Step 21 : Click on the down arrow next to the text box “Select Subscriber” and scroll until you find the subscriber that you have selected to create the external search batch and click “Select”.

Step 22 : After you have selected the subscriber name that you have used, a new window will open. Scroll to find your search results, use the “Description” field to find / identify your external search batch.

Step 23 : Click on “View results for batch ID” next to the name that you have used to create your external search batch, under the field “Report”.

Step 24 : To export your search results after you have clicked on “View results for batch ID”, select the export button on the main menu and scroll to “Excel” on the drop down menu.

Step 25 : Your report will be exported to excel where you can save report it on your machine.
Step 26 : Ensure you click the “Logoff” button.

FAQ On Human Settlements System

Here are some FAQs related to the Human Settlements System:

Q: What is the Human Settlements System?
A: The Human Settlements System (HSS) is a government-led initiative that aims to provide affordable housing and basic services to low-income households in South Africa. The HSS is responsible for coordinating and implementing housing policies and programmes, including the delivery of houses, provision of basic services, and upgrading of informal settlements.

Q: How does the Human Settlements System work?
A: The Human Settlements System works through a collaborative approach between government, the private sector, and communities. The HSS identifies areas in need of housing and basic services and works with local communities and other stakeholders to plan and implement housing projects. The HSS provides funding, technical support, and oversight to ensure that housing projects are completed on time and to the required standards.

Categories: Facilities

View Comments (2)

  • Nompunmelelo Happiness Ngcobo says:

    my name is Nompumelelo Ngcobo I register a house since 1998 till now can I please get a feed back if I still gonna get that house Im getting old no house pleae

  • david masango says:

    hi i just wanted to know for how long does a house subsidy takes for a person to get it couse since i applyed in 2009 till now i have not receive my house subsidy

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