ZA Bank Individual Account Opening

Organization : ZA Bank Ltd
Facility : Individual Account Opening
Applicable For : ZA Bank Customers
Website :

ZA Bank Individual Account Opening

Account opening is no longer a hassle. A multi-currency savings account is available for you anytime, anywhere.

Related / Similar Service : ZA Bank 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme

Who Can Open?

You need to
** be an individual client aged 18 or above; and

** hold a valid HKID card (either permanent and non-permanent residents are accepted; smart HKID and the new smart HKID introduced on 26 November 2018 are both accepted; juvenile HKID card and HKID card issued overseas are not accepted); and

** have a valid Hong Kong mobile phone number for receiving SMS and identity authentication
** have a valid Hong Kong residential address ,
then you are eligible to open an account opening with us!


Key functions include :
** Multi-currency savings account in 3 currencies – HKD, CNY & USD
** Time deposits with a minimum placement amount of HK$1
** Fund Transfers & Payments via FPS and CHATS (only local transfers are supported currently)
** Personal loan application
** e-Statements & e-Advice to view your transaction history

Where Can I Apply?

You can download the ZA Bank App on your mobile phone through Apple store / Google play, or scan the QR code with your mobile phone through the ZA Bank official website. ZA Bank App is now only available in Hong Kong App Store. You can open an account with ZA Bank App anytime, anywhere.

How to Open?

Enter the world of virtual bank in just as fast as 5 minutes
Open an account anytime in just 6 steps, with 1 smart phone and 1 HKID card?
Age 18 or above Holds a valid HKID card

Steps :
Step 1 : Download the ZA Bank App
Step 2 : Input your mobile number and email address

Step 3 : Scan your HKID and take a selfie for identity verification (Including new Smart identity Card launched on 26 Nov 2018)

Step 4 : Input your residential address, occupation, purpose of account, tax information and confirm account opening information

Related Post

Step 5 : Set up user name and password

Step 6 : And you’re all set!

Closing Your Account

We’re sorry that you wish to close your account. Actually, your account has no minimum balance requirement or annual fee. That means you can continue to keep it’s for free!

If you still want to cancel your account, please refer to the following steps
1. Download any e-Statements that you need beforehand;

2. Make sure your account closing balance is 0, and there is no uncredited interest from your Savings Account, Time Deposit, or pending transactions (including but not limited to fund transfer in HKD, and foreign currency);

3. Please log in to the ZA Bank App to contact LiveChat Channel for account closure.


1. Can I use my PO Box number as correspondence address?
Unfortunately not. You need to use a residential address.

2. Sharing a correspondence address with family or friends
Not a problem as long as it’s your valid residential address in Hong Kong.

3. How we handle your data after account closure
According to the Personal Information Collection Statement, we will keep your personal data for 7 years after account closure.

4. Sharing your Invitation Code with friends
Your friend must input your valid Invitation Code at account opening, and pass the internal review which will be completed by ZA Bank upon or after successful account opening.

You will receive promotion reward after fulfill the reward criteria.

How to invite friends?
1. Log in to the ZA Bank App
2. Tap “More” in the menu bar
3. Tap “Invite Friends”
4. Tap “Invite Friends to open account”, share the Invitation Code with your friends
5. Your friends download the App and open an account with your Invitation Code

ZA Bank may, from time to time, impose daily limitations on the number of redemption of invitation code.

5. How we protect your personal data
ZA Bank is an authorised financial institution in Hong Kong. Like conventional banks, we’re subject to the same set of supervisory requirements. We strictly adhere to the applicable laws, regulations and codes in Hong Kong when handling customer data.

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