ZA Bank 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme

Organization : ZA Bank Ltd
Facility : 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme
Applicable For : ZA Bank Customers
Website :


We are optimising the application procedures and strengthening our risk management for the 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme.

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ZA Bank Register For Government Cash Payout Scheme

ZA Bank Individual Account Opening

While new applications are temporarily suspended, we’ll continue to process applications which have been submitted to us as usual. We will let you know once we resume accepting new applications again.

Same as the traditional banks, ZA Bank, which is a licensed financial institution in Hong Kong, will adopt relevant measures to protect users’ personal information and assets through ongoing enhancement of the security and anti-fraud policies.

For enquiries, please call our Customer Service hotline on 3665 3665 or get in touch with us in the ZA Bank App.

About Scheme

** All in one App – entire application goes online.

** New bank users who successfully draw down 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme and opened account at the same time can get HKD 400 cash rewards

** No TU review required. APR guaranteed at 1%[1] and paid interest will be fully rebated after the loan is settled.


** Holder of Hong Kong permanent identity card aged 18 or above
** Unemployed for at least 2 months from application date
** Employed for at least 3 months in-between Jan 2020 and Feb 2021

** Must not be undischarged bankrupts nor subject to any bankruptcy petition or proceedings at the time of loan application.
** Shall maintain a valid ZA Bank account or eligible to open one

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How to Apply?

Borrow in just 3 steps
Step 1 : Fill in information
Step 2 : Upload documents
Step 3 : Confirm the loan and disburse

Required Documents

Proofs of unemployment status :
Bank statements for 2 consecutive months issued within 3 months prior to loan application showing cessation of monthly main recurrent income (The bank account shall be the same as that used to show the 3 months’ income proof), and submit one of the following proofs of unemployment (if applicable)

** Severance letter / departure letter / expired employment contract; or
** Tax return; or
** Any documents proofing termination of employment; or

** Proof of receipt of severance payment or long service payment; or
** News showing former employer’s business close down together with proof showing employment relationship; or

** Statements issued by an MPF scheme service provider showing cessation of contribution entries; or
** Proof of filing to Business Registration Office showing cessation of business, sale or transfer of company ownership

Proof of employment status :
Please provide one of the below documents to prove your employment and income in-between 01/2020 – 02/2021

** 3 months of wage slips / employment contract / tax return or other employment proofs, and relevant bank statements with your name shown. If bank statements show payroll records, then employment proofs are not required; or

** 3 months of MPF contribution history; or
** 2019/2020 Tax Demand Note

Address Proof : (Bank statement / advice not accepted)
** Telephone bills, utility bills, tenancy agreement or rental receipt, any correspondences issued by any Government department or MPF scheme service provider issued within 3 months.

** If you can only provide bank letter to prove your address, please supplement with address proof in the name of others (e.g. family member) living with you


1. What is 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme?
100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme is a special loan product set up by the government in the 2020-21 budget. It aims to provide an extra financing option for the unemployed under COVID-19.

2. What is the maximum amount I can apply for 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme?
The maximum loan amount is HKD 80,000 or 6 times of your monthly salary before unemployment, whichever is lower.

3. What does full interest rebate mean?
Upon a full loan settlement, the total amount of loan interest will be rebated to users.

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