NSC Grade 12 Visual Arts Sample Question Paper : Department Of Education

Organisation : Limpopo Department Of Education
Exam : National Senior Certificate Grade 12 Exam
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Visual Arts

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Limpopo Visual Arts Sample Question Paper

Instructions And Information :
In this examination you will demonstrate the following skills :
** The use of the correct art terminology
** The use and implementation of visual analysis and critical thinking

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** Writing and research skills within a historical and cultural context
** The placing of specific examples into a cultural, social, political and historical context
** An understanding of distinctive creative styles


Read the following instructions before deciding which questions to answer.
1. This question paper consists of TEN questions.
2. Answer any FIVE questions for a total of 100 marks.
3. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
4. Questions appear on the left-hand pages, with visual sources on the right-hand pages.
5. Ensure that you refer to the reproduced colour visual sources where required.

6. Information discussed in one answer will not be credited if repeated in other answers. Cross-referencing of artworks is permissible.
7. Name the artist and title of each artwork you discuss in your answers. Underline the title of an artwork or the name of a building.
8. Write in a clear, creative and structured manner, using full sentences and paragraphs according to the instructions of each question. Listing of facts/tables is NOT acceptable.

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9. Use the following guidelines for the length of your answers. Look at the mark allocation:
6–8 marks: a minimum of ½–¾ page
10–14 marks: a minimum of 1–1½ page(s)

10. Bullets usually act as guidelines in your essay to help structure your answer.
11. Write neatly and legibly.

Sample Questions

Answer Any Five Questions :
Question 1: The Emerging Voice Of Black Art
1.1 August Macke (FIGURE 1a) and Gerard Sekoto (FIGURE 1b) have both painted scenes of people on the street. Write a comparative analysis of the two works in which you discuss the following:
** Composition
** Subject matter
** Space/Depth
** The use of colour
** The atmosphere and mood
** The use of the figure(s) in each work
** Which artwork do you think has the greatest visual impact? Substantiate your answer.

1.2 Discuss TWO artworks that you have studied in which the artist(s) has/have portrayed interesting events from their own time. Include the following in your answer:
** Name of artist(s) and artworks
** The type of subject matter used
** Inspirations and influences seen in each work
** Use of compositional devices, techniques, style and formal elements

Question 2: Search For An African Identity In South African Art
2.1 Discuss how Pippa Skotnes (FIGURE 2b) and Walter Battiss (FIGURE 2c) used the San influence to create their own personal interpretations.
Consider the following in your answer :
** The use of images and symbols
** Influences from other art movements
** Composition
** Visual reference to San images in FIGURE 2b and FIGURE 2c (8)

2.2 Write an essay in which you analyse any TWO artworks you have studied which reflect different cultural influences. In your answer, refer to the following
** Name(s) of artist(s) and titles of artworks
** Different cultural influences
** Formal elements of art
** Message conveyed to the viewer

Question 3: Art And Politics: Resistance Or Protest Art
3.1 Write a critical analysis on these two artworks (FIGURES 3a and 3b) by referring to the following
** The ‘story’ told in each artwork
** How the ‘story’ is told, by discussing different viewpoints, focal points and composition
** The effectiveness of the media in telling the ‘story’
** The possible message/interpretation of FIGURE 3b. Why does Victor see this work as a ‘disaster of peace’? (8)

3.2 Discuss any TWO other specific artworks that you have studied, which reflect conflict situations and/or other injustices in society. Include the following in your answer:
** Name(s) of the artist(s)
** Titles of the artworks
** Issues addressed in the artworks
** Style of the work
** The use of formal art elements
** Meaning and interpretation

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