IEC 2021 Municipal Elections Voter Registration

Organisation : Electoral Commission of South Africa
Facility Name : 2021 Municipal Elections Voter Registration
Head Office : Centurion
Registration Last Date : 01.08.2021
Website :

Municipal Elections Voter Registration

Everything you need to know about you as a voter is here. Using our online voter services ensures you are registered in the correct place and can vote in the next election.

Related/ Similar Service : Update Your Address

How to Register?

Enter your ID number below for your registration status, voting station, ward details

SMS Services

You can Check your ID Number by using our SMS service? SMS your ID Number to any of the below numbers (R1.00 per SMS)

** Registration status – 32810
** My ward councillor – 32245
** Special vote application status – 32711


** 31 July – 1 August 2021 – Registration weekend
** 6 August 2021- Proclamation by Minister of CoGTA. Candidate nomination opens
** 23 August 2021 – Candidate nomination closes
** 27 October 2021 – VOTING DAY

VoteSafe during COVID-19

Not sure what to expect when visiting your voting station during the Covid-19 pandemic? Welcome to our guide to the new registration and voting process.

Related Post

1. Wear a mask when you register and vote, as per lockdown regulations for all persons in public places. If you don’t have a mask or face cover, the election officials will refuse you entry to the voting station and you will not be able to register, or update your address, or vote.

2. Keep a distance of 1.5 m from fellow voters, election officials, party agents and observers at all times while at your voting station.
3. Wait your turn before entering the voting station as only a limited number of people may be gathered inside the venue at the same time.

4. Liquid sanitiser will be sprayed on your hands by an election official before you enter and leave the voting station.
5. We care for the safety of our election officials. They will be provided with masks and face shields to wear in line with government regulations.

6. Bring your own pen for filling in forms and marking ballots at the voting station. In any event, election officials will be sanitising all pens at the voting station after each use.

7. When inking your thumbnail, election officials will check that it is dry before applying the ink, and will ask you to wait a moment before you move on to ensure that the ink has dried before your hands are sanitised on departing the voting station.

8. All voting station surfaces will be wiped with 70% alcohol disinfectant before and after use.
9. Say if it’s not okay. Politely speak up if people are too close to you, or if anyone’s behavior makes you feel uncomfortable. Keep yourself and others safe.


1. Can I vote if I will be out of the country on Election Day?
If you are a South African citizen and are registered to vote, but will be out of the country on Election Day, please see special votes for details on how to apply for a special vote (national and provincial elections only).

2. Can I vote if I’ve lost my registration sticker?
You will be allowed to vote as long as your name is on the voters’ roll. If your name isn’t on the voters’ roll and you don’t have your registration sticker, you have no proof that you’ve registered and you won’t be able to vote.

Please check your voter registration status online to make sure your name is on the voters’ roll.

3. Can I vote if I’m in hospital?
If you’re bedridden or in hospital and can’t get to your voting station on Election Day for National and Provincial elections, you can apply for a special vote. Please see special votes for details.

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