PAYE Penalties For Employers : South African Revenue Service

Organisation : South African Revenue Service
Facility/ Service Name : PAYE Penalties For Employers
Head Office : Pretoria
Website :

SARS PAYE Penalties For Employers

The penalty for late filing of a Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) reconciliation was introduced for the first time this year.

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However, we are still in the process of enhancing our Dispute Resolution process so that this penalty can be disputed separately from a PAYE late payment penalty.

In the event that you receive another PAYE penalty for the same tax period, you will not yet be able to do a Request for Remission or lodge an Objection against the added penalty on eFiling when your prior Request for Remission or Dispute has already been finalised.

Our enhancements to the Dispute Resolution process should be ready soon, but in the event that you wish to do a Request for Remission or Dispute in relation to such an added penalty, SARS will as an interim measure accept a written Request for Remission or ADR1/ADR2 forms in relation to the added PAYE penalty.

How to Apply?

To make use of the interim process to submit a Request for Remission, Notice of Objection or Notice of Appeal, please follow these steps

Steps :
Step 1 :
Check on eFiling that the penalty amount for which you wish to request remission, object or appeal against is indeed blocked from being submitted. If eFiling blocks you then proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 :
Type or write a Request for Remission, and make sure that you include the reason for your request as well as the PAYE reconciliation period or transaction numbers of the penalties incurred or the EMP201 periods.

Before you do all of this please visit the Request for Remission of Administrative Non-compliance penalty webpage to understand the legislative requirements.

If you already submitted a Request for Remission but you remain aggrieved by the outcome then use the ADR1 form in the case of an objection. If you already objected and the objection was dismissed, and you wish to appeal, then use the ADR2 form.

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Step 3 :
Submit your Request for Remission, ADR1 or ADR2 to contactus [AT] or pcc [AT] You will receive a case number which must be used in any future correspondence with SARS relating to this matter.

Step 4 :
Once we have considered the request for remission, objection or appeal, SARS will notify you by way of a letter addressed to your preferred channel of communication.

When Are Penalties Imposed?

Penalties can be imposed due to non-compliance of a tax obligation under a tax Act; or is listed in a Public Notice by the Commissioner of SARS.

Fixed amount penalties are levied for outstanding returns and/or the failure to disclose information in respect of a ‘reportable arrangement’. A percentage based penalty will be imposed when a payment is received late.

To prevent a payment from being received late the payment must be received into the SARS bank account on or before the due date.

SARS will only recognise a payment once it is received into the SARS bank account :
** Any payment received into the SARS bank account after the due date will be regarded as a late payment.

** Taxpayers have to ensure that payment is made before the cut-off time of the relative bank product used to ensure that funds will reflect in time into the SARS bank account.

May I request for a Penalty to be remitted?
A Request for Remittance may be submitted to SARS in writing, it must include

** A description of the circumstances which prevented the person from complying with the relevant obligation; and
** Supporting documentation and information as required by SARS.

How do I submit a Request for Remission for Penalty?
A Request for Remission for Penalty can only be submitted via the following two channels
** eFiling
** SARS Branch.

No manual request or ADR1 form will be accepted.

Top tip : When requesting the remission for penalty on late payment for VAT, PAYE, SDL, UIF and Provisional tax, the following source code must be used: 9996 – Penalty.

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