COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs :

Organization Name : Department of Health
Facility Name : COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs
Applicable For : South African Citizens
Website :

COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs

Registration :
1. Will I get proof that I have been vaccinated?
Yes. You will receive an SMS with an electronic certificate as proof of vaccination.

Related / Similar Service : SA Covid-19 Active Vaccination Sites

2. Will I have side-effects from the vaccine?
You may have some side-effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection. Common side-effects are pain, redness and swelling on the arm where you got the shot as well as tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever and nausea. These side-effects should go away in a few days.

If you think you may be having a severe allergic reaction after leaving the vaccine site, seek medical care immediately.

3. When should I seek medical help?
In most cases, discomfort from pain or fever is a normal sign that your body is building protection. Contact your healthcare provider

** if the redness or tenderness where you got the shot gets worse after 24 hours
** if your side effects do not go away after a few days

4. Will I be informed if I need a second shot and where to get it?
Yes. After you have been vaccinated, you will receive an SMS to inform you if you need a second shot and the date and place where you should get it.


1. I have registered for vaccination and received my confirmation SMS but have not received my appointment. What should I do?
Please do not worry. Everyone who has been registered and received the confirmation SMS will get the SMS to advise when to go for vaccination.

How quickly you receive the SMS depends on how many vaccine sites there are in your area, so some people may receive an SMS before you, but you will receive yours! Please exercise patience. We will not leave anyone behind in our nation’s vaccination drive.

2. I registered before others but did not receive an appointment.
The EVDS applies the same rules to everyone in both the private and the public sector. Appointments also depend on the number of vaccination site in your area.

For example, if you live in an area where there are several vaccination sites, you will receive an SMS quicker than someone who resides in an area where there are currently few sites.

The time it takes also depends on the time slot you have chosen such as morning or afternoon on weekdays or weekends.

Finally, our Healthcare Workers continue to be vaccinated and receive priority to ensure they can safely support our fight against COVID-19. This all affects when you will receive your SMS.

3. I have lost/deleted my appointment SMS. What can I do?
Call the COVID helpline on 0800 029 999 and ask them for assistance. They will be able to resend the message through to you. The COVID helpline number is toll-free from both a landline and cellphone.

4. I have registered multiple family members and friends for the vaccine using my cellphone. How will I know who the vaccine appointments are for?
The appointment SMS will include the NAME of the client, so you will be able to identify which SMS is for which person registered.

5. Can I reschedule my appointment once I’ve made it?
Once you have missed your appointment, you will be automatically rescheduled for another one. You will be given three opportunities to attend for vaccination – the original appointment plus TWO more appointments.

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If you have not been able to attend any of the scheduled appointments, you will have to call the COVID helpline on 0800 029 999 and ask them to re-register you.

Your record of registration remains in the system but after these three opportunities the system will wait for you to make contact. The COVID helpline number is toll-free from both a landline and cellphone.

6. My vaccination appointment was cancelled. What must I do now?
There is no need for you to re-register. The system will automatically reschedule you and send out a new SMS when there is another available appointment for you.

Vaccination Sites

1. My vaccination appointment was cancelled. What must I do now?
There is no need for you to re-register. The system will automatically reschedule you and send out a new SMS when there is another available appointment for you.

2. I have a medical condition that prevents me from travelling to the proposed site. What can I do?
Please call the COVID helpline on 0800 029 999 and ask them for assistance. The COVID helpline number is toll-free from both a landline and cellphone. When you call the helpline you will be asked to press “1” for general COVID-related health information (don’t choose this option) and “2” for help to register for a vaccination (choose this option).

3. I can’t find the site that I have been allocated to for vaccination when I look it up online?
Please call the COVID helpline on 0800 029 999 and ask them for assistance. The COVID helpline number is toll-free from both a landline and cellphone.

4. How does the EVDS decide which vaccination site to send you to for an appointment?
The system will automatically allocate a site to you that is close to the home or work address that you entered. In urban areas, it will allocate a site within 10km of that address and in rural areas it will allocate a centre within 30km of where you live or work.

The time that you choose to be vaccinated when you registered such as the morning or afternoon during weekdays or weekends affects the availability and scheduling of your appointment.

5. Which vaccination sites can I attend if I do not have medical aid?
If you do not have medical aid you should attend the site where you are scheduled, which may be a public or private site, or a nearby private site if they have spare capacity for walk-in clients.

Second Dose

1. When should I get my second dose?
You will automatically be invited by the EVDS system via SMS for your second dose of vaccine 42 days after your first dose. The SMS will include the appointment details that you need for the second dose.

You will not be able to receive your second dose sooner than 42 days after your first dose. It is important that you do not wait more than 84 days after your first dose for your second dose. This is as per guidance from the World Health Organization.

2. Must I re-register to get my second vaccination?
There is no need for you to re-register, the EVDS system will automatically schedule you for your 2nd dose (42 days after your first dose) and you will receive an SMS sending you to the site that has the shortest queue within your registered area.

3. After 42 days should I just go back to my original vaccination site?
No. After 42 days you will receive your SMS telling you where and when to go for your appointment. This is to allow us to ensure that there is a vaccine waiting there for you.

Your 2nd dose appointment may not be where your first appointment was as the programme is constantly growing and there are many new sites. If you have not received your SMS after 42 days, bring your vaccination card and visit a nearby site to receive your second dose.

4. Will I be vaccinated at the same site as before?
Not necessarily. Your 2nd dose appointment may not be where your first appointment was as the programme is constantly growing and there are many new sites. You will instead receive an SMS sending you to the site that has the shortest queue within your registered area.

5. Can I stop wearing a mask after my second vaccination?
Even after you’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you should keep taking precautions in public places like wearing a mask, staying 1.5 metres apart from others, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, and washing your hands often.

Right now, experts do not know how long the vaccine will protect you, so it is a good idea to continue following the prevention measures. Similarly, whilst the vaccine offers around 85% protection from contracting COVID-19, it does not give 100% protection so being safe is vital to protect your own health. We also know that not everyone will be able to get vaccinated right away, so it is still important to protect yourself and others.

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