Huawei Matebook Competition 2021

Organization : Huawei
Competition Name : Huawei Matebook Competition 2021
Applicable For : Open to all South African residents
Competition Last Date : 13.07.2021
Website :

Huawei Matebook Competition

Huawei Matebook Competition 2021 is organized and run by Huawei Technologies South Africa Proprietary Limited


** The Competition is not open for entry by or on behalf of a legal entity. The Competition will be executed in the Republic of South Africa.

** The Competition is open to all persons who are South African residents of 18 years and older with a valid South African identity document or valid permanent residence permit valid for a period exceeding 12 (twelve) months for the Republic of South Africa and valid at the end date of the Competition.

** Employees, directors and agents of the Organisers, their immediate families, life partners, business partners and associates and any person directly involved with the sponsoring, devising, production, management or marketing of this Competition are not eligible to participate in this Competition.

Competition Period

This Competition will run from 12:00 (UTC+2) on 8 July 2021 to 23:59 (UTC+2) 13 July 2021 both dates inclusive (the “Competition Period”). Any entries received after the closing date will not be considered for the Competition.

How to Participate?

To enter this Competition, Competition Participants must during the Competition Period

Steps :
Step 1 : Answer the question correctly on Facebook (@HuaweimobileZA) or Twitter (@HuaweiZA) during the Competition Period. The question is:

“It comes with the following features: 56 Wh Battery Life; 2K FullView Display; 11th generation processor; HUAWEI Shark fin Fan. Which MateBook is this?”; and

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Step 2 : Use the hashtags (#Matebook…; #ElegantPerformance); and
Step 3 : Tag Huawei Social media pages Facebook (@HuaweimobileZA) or Twitter (@HuaweiZA)

Competition Prize/s

1. Competition Participant who have complied with the Competition Mechanics successfully will stand a chance to win the Competition Prize consisting of Huawei MateBook D15 i3, valued at approximately R10 999 (ten thousand nine hundred and ninety nine rand) (“Competition Prize/s”).

2. There is (one) Competition Prize up for grabs and therefore, there will be 1 Competition Winner of the Competition
3. The Competition Prize will be sent to the Competition Winner within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of draw.

Terms & Conditions

** The Competition is valid for the duration of the Competition Period
** There are no additional charges for participating in the Competition.

** Participants are only allowed to enter once, multiple entries will not be considered and the first entry from the Participant will be valid only.
** The Competition Prize is not exchangeable for cash, and will not be transferable or negotiable.

** The Organisers reserve the right to substitute the Competition Prize for an alternative Competition Prize of equal or greater value should the Competition Prize not be available for whatsoever reason.

** Personal information of the successful Competition Participants will be strictly made use of to provide the Competition Prize and will be stored in a secure repository and not transferred to any third party save for the purposes of delivery of the Competition Prize.

** Participants acknowledge that any personal information supplied to the Organisers for purposes of this Competition is provided voluntarily, but that they may be prevented from entering or winning a Competition Prize without providing such information.

** User data collected via the Competition will not be used for any other purpose other than for the Competition only.

Unless a Participant has consented, the Organisers wilal not sell, exchange, transfer, rent or otherwise make available any Personal Information to other parties and Participants indemnify the Organisers from any unintentional disclosures of such information to unauthorized persons.

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