UKZN Online Application 2022 : University of KwaZulu-Natal

Organization : University of KwaZulu-Natal
Facility / Service Name : UKZN Online Application 2022
Head Quarters : Durban
Application Deadline : 30.09.2021
Website :

How To Fill UKZN Online Application?

2022 Applications are now open. Just follow the below steps to fill UKZN Online Application 2022.

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UKZN Internal Transfers :
If you are a currently registered UKZN student and wish to apply for a different qualification please use the Internal Transfer Form and submit to the Applications Office on your campus.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of UKZN through provided above.

Apply Online :

Step 2 : Next, read the instructions carefully and click on the “Apply Online” button at the end of the page.

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and click on “Continue” button.

Step 4 : Fill the remaining details and upload the necessary documents to complete your application.

Via CAO:

First-time entering South African undergraduate applicants should apply through the Central Application Office (CAO);

Steps :
Step 1 : Obtain the CAO application form and CAO Handbook from the CAO on +27 (0)31 268 4444. The CAO also has an online application facility.

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Step 2 : The forms have unique CAO reference/ application numbers that must be quoted in all correspondence. The CAO system will generate a CAO number when applying online.

Step 3 : Students can apply to more than one institution on the CAO application form. Applicants use the same application number for all institutions.

Step 4 : Applicants are allowed six choices that must be listed in order of preference.
Step 5 : Applicants pay one application fee only to the CAO.

Step 6 : Completed application forms, proof of payment and documentation must be mailed to
Central Applications Office,
Private Bag X06,
Dalbridge 4014.

Documents Required For UKZN Online Application

Following documents are required to apply for UKZN admission

Please remember to upload the following documents (where applicable)

** Certified copy of your ID/passport.
** Certified copy of your National Senior/Matric Certificate or O/A Levels or relevant school leaving qualification/certificate.

** Proof from Universities South Africa (previously known as HESA), that you qualify for admission to degree studies at South Africa universities, if you are an international applicant. For more information, refer to the undergraduate prospectus

** Certified copies of your degree certificate(s), academic record and certificate of conduct, if you attended other universities.
** Proof of English proficiency for International applicants from non-English speaking countries.

** South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluations if the previous qualification(s) was/were obtained at foreign universities (outside South Africa).

** A research proposal/proposed title of the dissertation/thesis if you are applying for a Masters Degree or PhD.
** A valid study visa to study in SA if you are an International applicant.

** Before applying online please make sure that you have read the guidelines above.
** Please ensure that you have the HESA/SAQA documents to be uploaded in order to complete your application.

** Please ensure to use reference APPN (followed by your student number) when making application fee payment.
** Please allow the system 24 hrs to 48 hrs to clear your payment.

Closing Dates of UKZN Application

UKZN Application closing dates are

For UG Programmes :
** Medicine – 30 June
** All other programmes – 30 September

Functions of University of KwaZulu-Natal

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is a university in South Africa that offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across several faculties. Some of the key functions of the University of KwaZulu-Natal include:

UKZN provides high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate education to a diverse student body. The university offers a range of degree programs in various disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, law, and health sciences.

UKZN is committed to research excellence and innovation. The university has several research institutes and centers that conduct cutting-edge research in areas such as health, poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, and social justice.

Community Engagement:
UKZN is actively engaged with its local communities and broader society. The university’s community engagement programs aim to promote social and economic development, enhance community well-being, and foster civic responsibility.

Categories: University/College
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