SANC Annual Fees 2021 & Practising Certificates : South African Nursing Council

Organization : South African Nursing Council
Facility : Annual Fees & Annual Practising Certificates
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SANC Annual Fees & Practising Certificates

The Annual Practising Certificate (APC) is a document (issued on payment of an annual fee) to nursing and midwifery practitioners and it entitles the person to whom it has been issued to practise in the capacities shown and for the period stated: provided that the person is not subsequently removed from the register of practitioners.

Related / Similar Service : Fee & Fine Payable to SANC

Every registration certificate issued by the Council is proof that the person to whom it is issued is registered in the capacity indicated on the certificate for a period of 12 months from the date on the certificate.

Thereafter, the practitioner must pay an annual fee and be issued an Annual Practisiing Certificate in order to continue to practise in that capacity. The APC then serves as proof of registration for all qualifications appearing thereon.

Who Must Pay the Annual Fee?

Persons currently practising in the Republic of South Africa :
Every person registered with the Council who wishes to continue practising his/her profession in the Republic of South Africa for the following year must pay the annual fee before or on the due date in the year concerned.

Persons wishing to be restored to the register :
Every persons wishing to be restored to the register in order to practise his/her profession in the Republic of South Africa, must pay the annual fee for the year in which he/she intends to resume practising together with the application for restoration.

In this case, an Annual Practising Certificate will only be issued if the application for restoration is approved. If not, the fees will be refunded to the applicant.

How Can the Annual Fee be Paid?

A reminder is usually sent out to each registered person towards the end of each year. The reminder gives full details of how to pay the annual fee for the following year.

The reminder also contains a convenient First National Bank deposit slip that has some of the persons details already filled in.

Council recommends that you pay the annual fee using the First National Bank deposit slip. For most people, it will be the most convenient way of paying the fee.

Warning : Do not pay at the bank if your personal details or postal address must be changed – the system is so quick that your Annual Practising Certificate will be issued showing the old details or postal address.

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If you have received a reminder, carefully follow the instructions printed on it and also read the important notes section. This will ensure that your payment is processed without undue delay.

The information in the following sections will assist you if you do not receive a reminder.

Important Notes when Paying the Annual Fee :
Please take note of the following important points to avoid delays in the processing of payments
** DO indicate your Council reference number, payment type code ‘ANLFEES’ and full names when making payments to the Council.

** DO pay the correct amount depending on your category – not more or less – unless you have been requested to pay only part of the amount by the Council.

** DO make sure that all electronic or other payments are made into the South African Nursing Council bank account.
** DO keep your bank deposit slip in case of queries.

** DO NOT f ax or post your proof of payment to the Council- unless you are requested to do so.
** DO NOT pay at the bank if your personal details or address must be changed – in this case, post your remittance to Council.

Due Date

The due date for payment of annual fees is normally 31 December of the year preceding the year for which the fees are due. Early birds can pay the fee from 1 July of the year preceding the year for which it is due – no earlier.

Please be advised that these dates may change in future. This page will be updated as soon as possible if and when it ever happens.

Note 1 : It is the responsibility of every registered or enrolled person to make sure that his/her annual fee reaches Council by the due date.
Note 2 : If your remittance is sent by post, please allow sufficient time for it to reach Council by the due date.

If you wish to pay at the Council offices during December, please be WARNED that you should pay early in the month to avoid dissappointment due to any year end closing of the Council offices.

You are also WARNED that queues can sometimes be very long at that time. Council RECOMMENDS that you consider paying your fee into the bank to avoid any problems/inconvenience.

Functions of the SANC

The SANC has several functions, including:
** Registering nurses, midwives, and nursing assistants
** Accrediting nursing education and training programs
** Setting standards for nursing education and practice
** Conducting disciplinary proceedings for professional misconduct
** Promoting continuing professional development for nurses

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