WCED Track Application Status 2021-22 : admissions.westerncape.gov.za

Organisation : Western Cape Government
Facility Name : Track Application Status 2022
Website : https://admissions.westerncape.gov.za/admissions/login

How To Track WCED Application Status?

Admissions 2021-2022 To track your application.

Related / Similar Facility : How To Search EDULIS Catalogue Online?

Just follow the below steps to track your application Status.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of WCED through provided above.
Step 2 : Enter Your ID Numer or Passport/ Permit Number
Step 3 : Enter Your Password
Step 4 : Click on “Login” button to knwo your application status.


Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On WCED

1. How do I get my child enrolled in a school of my choice? – some points to consider
** Apply early. Don’t wait till the last day.
** Apply to more than one school.
** Know the law/check the school’s Admission Policy.

2. What is the admission age for Grade 1?
** Compulsory school-going age (Grade 1) is 7 years in the year that the child is in Grade 1.
** For admission to Grade R it is 4 turning 5 by 30 June in the year of admission. However, a school must give preference to children aged 5 years turning 6 years by 30 June of that Grade R year.

3. What documents are required to register a child at a public school?
** Birth certificate.
** Immunisation card.
** A transfer card/letter.
** Last school report card for learners who have been to school.
** A study permit issued by Home Affairs for foreign learners.

A child may be registered provisionally if these documents are not available. The parent must be given reasonable time to submit them.

4. Is it important to enrol a child for Grade R?
Yes. Early childhood development assists learners to cope better later on in their school careers.

5. Can a child be refused permission if they do not live in a school’s feeder zone?
The WCED has not declared any feeder zones/areas.

6. Can schools charge a non-refundable deposit before accepting learner?
No. Schools may not charge a fee before accepting a learner.

7. Where do parents go if they do not find a place?
Parents may approach their local district office.


Cape Winelands :
John Goliath
Tel : 023 348 6000
Tel : 023 348 4581
E-mail : John.Goliath [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Eden & Central Karoo :
Jewel Jonkers
Tel : 044 803 8300
Tel : 044 803 8317
E-mail : Jewel.Jonkers [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Metro Central :
Brenda Robertson
Tel : 021 514 6700
Tel : 021 514 6708
Tel : 021 514 6793
E-mail : Brenda.Robertson [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Metro East :
Eric Magodla
Tel : 021 900 7203
Tel : 021 900 7206
E-mail : Eric.Magodla [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Metro North :
Wayne Abrahams | Leon Rutgers
Tel : 021 938 3006
Tel : 021 938 3004
E-mail : Wayne.Abrahams2 [AT] westerncape.gov.za
E-mail : Leon.Rutgers [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Metro South :
Lynn Primo
Tel : 021 370 2000
Tel : 021 370 2035
E-mail : Lynn.Primo [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Overberg :
Japie Bailey
Tel : 028 214 7300
Tel : 028 214 7379
E-mail : Japie.Bailey [AT] westerncape.gov.za

West Coast :
Anlerie Truter
Tel : 021 860 1200
Tel : 021 860 1206
E-mail : Anlerie.Truter [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Head Office :
Lance Abrahams
Tel : 021 467 2000
E-mail : lance.abrahams [AT] westerncape.gov.za

Redewan Larney :
Tel : 021 467 2000
E-mail : Redewan.Larney [AT] westerncape.gov.za

WCED Call Centre : 0861 923 322 (If you unsure of which district to approach)

Facts of WCED South Africa

WCED stands for Western Cape Education Department, which is responsible for overseeing and managing the education system in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Here are some facts about WCED:

The primary mandate of WCED is to provide quality education to learners in the Western Cape province of South Africa.

WCED is responsible for managing over 1,400 public schools in the Western Cape province, including primary, secondary, and special needs schools.

WCED is responsible for developing and implementing the curriculum for schools in the Western Cape province, in line with the national curriculum.

Teacher Training:
WCED provides training and development opportunities for teachers, including workshops, courses, and mentoring programmes.

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