Nedbank Bursary Fund 2021

Organisation : Nedbank
Scholarship/ Bursary Name : Nedbank Bursary Fund 2021
Applicable for : South African citizens
Website :

Nedbank Bursary Fund


About Programme

The Nedbank External Bursary Programme aims to fund academically deserving students who do not have the financial means to study fulltime towards a first undergraduate degree or diploma at a South African public university or university of technology.

Bursaries are awarded to address scarce and future skill requirements in South Africa broadly as well as with specific focus on the financial sector.

Criteria For Selection

1. We will consider applications from only South African citizens.
2. You must have a proven financial need, as determined by household income.

3. Past academic results :
a. A minimum academic average of 65% in the year that you are applying for the Nedbank bursary, ie in grade 12 or at university level.
b. A minimum academic average of 65% for the required subjects aligned to the qualification you plan to study at university.

4. We will not consider applicants who completed their grade 12 or senior certificate with Mathematics Literacy.

5. You must have successfully obtained admission approval to a South African public university or university of technology for the undergraduate qualification you plan to study.

Documents Required

1. A certified copy of your South African identity document.

2. Your most recent academic transcript
a. Grade 11 end-year results, as well as your mid-year results if you are currently in grade 12.

Related Post

b. Grade 12 end-year results as well as your mid-year results if you are currently in your first year at university.
c. Your last academic year results as well as your current mid-year results if you are currently in your second or third year at university.

Application & Screening Process

We accept applications online via the relevant link provided. Incomplete applications will be rejected. We screen bursary applications against the Nedbank External Bursary selection criteria to shortlist applicants.


The Parents And Legal Guardians Of Shortlisted Applicants Will Be Requested To Do The Following
1. Give written consent that they understand that personal information will be requested and given to third parties who will assist the Trust with verifying income.

2. Complete an income and expenditure statement for the combined family income.
3. Give certified copies of the following within seven working days, in a single batch
** Identity documents.
** Certified or official copy of recent payslip, letter of employment, not older than three months, for each parent or guardian.

** Proof of income, bond statement and council rates accounts (not older than three months) if parents or guardians are informal traders or hawkers.
** IRP5, IT3 and IT12 (past two years) if parents or guardians are earning commission.

** Copy of an official pension slip or bank statement if parent or guardian receives income such as pension/grant/maintenance/rental/interest from investment (not older than three months).

** Copies of divorce certificates, where applicable.
** Copies of death certificates, where applicable.

4. On completion of the document review process, shortlisted applicants will be requested to do the following
** Participate in psychometric and other assessments.
** Attend an interview.

5. When the screening process is completed, the applications of eligible students together with their screening results are presented to the Nedbank Education Trust for review. Bursaries are awarded at the sole discretion of the Trust.

6. We will give feedback about applications to all applicants when the process is completed.


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