Corona Free Range Humans Hammock Give-away Competition 2021 :

Organization : South African Breweries (Pty) Limited
Competition Name : Corona Free Range Humans Hammock Give-away Competition 2021
Applicable For : At least 18 years of age
Last Date : 10.06.2021
Website :

Corona Free Range Humans Hammock Give-away Competition

Corona Free Range Humans Hammock Give-away Competition 2021 is run by The South African Breweries (Pty) Limited

Who Can Participate?

The contest is open to all persons 18 years of age or older and resident in the Republic of South Africa, except for
(a) the directors, members, partners, agents, consultants or employees of the Promoter and their immediate families,

(b) the directors, members, partners, agents, consultants or employees of any suppliers of any goods or services to the Promoter in respect of this Competition, or

(c) directors, members, partners, agents, consultants or employees of the Promoter’s advertising and promotion agencies, associated companies, and participating outlet owners and staff.

Competition Period

This Competition will run from 7 May 2021 to 10 June 2021 or until the Promoter provides a public notice that the Competition has ended, whichever is earlier. Entries will only be accepted during the Competition Period.

Competition Entry Process

1. Internet access is required to enter the Competition.
2. This Competition will take place on the Promoter’s Corona website.

In order to enter the Competition and stand a chance to win, a Participant must be one of the first 1000 Participants to sign up and enter their details on the Promoter’s Corona brand website page during the Competition Period.

3. Entry is only valid through this medium.
4. A Participant may enter the Competition once.

5. Participants will be liable for their own data and voice charges in respect of the Competition participation as well as any verification process, if applicable.


** The prize to be won is one of 1,000 branded Corona hammocks worth approximately R250 each

** No Prize, in whole or in part, can be transferred to any other person or exchanged for an alternate prize or for its cash value. A winner may not substitute him/herself with any other person.

** The Prizes will be delivered by the Promoter (or on behalf of the Promoter by a nominated third party) to the nominated address of a winner within the Republic of South Africa. The Promoter (or a nominated third party) will contact the winners to arrange delivery.

Winner Selection & Notification

** The winners will be selected by the Promoter using a first come, first serve basis” whereby the first 1,000 Participants to enter the Competition will receive a Prize.

** The winners will be notified by 31 May 3021. If the Promoter (or a third party nominated by the Promoter) is unable to contact a winner after 3 (three) attempts over a period of 2 (two) calendar days, he/she will be disqualified and a substitute winner may, at the discretion of the Promoter, be selected, using the same winner selection process.

Winner Verification

** Verification of age, contact details and proof of residential address may be required prior to awarding a Prize. All winners will be subject to the validation and verification process.

** The Prizes will only be awarded after successful verification of the winners. Failing successful verification of any winner, a substitute winner may be selected at the discretion of the Promoter.


1. No person may win more than one Prize in this Competition.
2. In the event of a dispute, the Promoter’s decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.

3. The timelines stated by the Promoter or its agent must be adhered to. Failing adherence to any timeline, at any stage, may result in disqualification and forfeiture of a Prize in its entirety with no compensation to any party by the Promoter.

4. The Promoter will not be responsible for any costs, expenses or other liabilities incurred by the winners which are not expressly contemplated as part of a Prize.

Categories: Contest

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  • Am siphiwe dlozi i would like to submit my photo to made in my photo © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map