GEPF Funeral Benefits : Government Employees Pension Fund

Organization Name : GEPF
Facility Name : Funeral Benefits
Applicable For : Government Employees in South Africa
Website :

GEPF Funeral Benefits

The purpose of funeral benefits is to help pay the funeral costs when a member or pensioner passes away. Funeral benefits are also paid out on the death of the spouse, life partner or eligible child of a member or pensioner.

Related / Similar Facility : GEPF Unclaimed Pension

Wherever possible, the GEPF will process a funeral benefit claim within 72 hours of receiving the claim. However, the payment can be delayed if the claim form or the documentation accompanying a claim is incomplete or incorrect.

In order to allow the GEPF to process the claim quickly and efficiently, the claimant must ensure that the information provided is complete and correct.

Who Can Claim?

The GEPF will accept a claim from the following people, in order of preference
** A member;
** A pensioner;
** The spouse of a member or pensioner;
** A major child of member or pensioner;

** The guardian of a minor child of a member or pensioner. A minor is a child who cannot administer their own affairs and so the guardian acts on their behalf;

** The parent or parent in-law of a member or pensioner;
** A brother/sister or brother-in-law/sister-in-law of a member or pensioner; and/or
** The executor of the estate of the deceased.

Please be aware that no payment will be made to a funeral undertaker.

Documents Needed

To process and pay the funeral benefit, the GEPF needs the following documents from claimants
** A fully completed Z300 form (Funeral Benefit Claim Form). An original certified copy of the death certificate issued by the Department of Home Affairs;

** In the case of a still-born child, written confirmation of the duration of pregnancy and the certification of death issued by the attending physician and hospital;

** An original certified copy of the deceased’s bar-coded Identity Document (ID) or passport or birth certificate in the case of a minor child;
** An original certified copy of the bar-coded ID or passport of the person
applying for the benefit;

** For payment into a bank account, the Z894 form containing the bank details is needed;

** When the claim is submitted by fax, the Z894 must be accompanied by a certified bank statement showing the bank’s e-mail and landline contact details. These contact details will be used to confirm the bank account details provided;

** For payment through the Post Office the details of the online Post Office must be provided on the Z300 form. Applicants must confirm with the Post Office that it is an online Post Office.

Related Post

Please be aware that the original application and attachments must be handed in at the Post Office when claiming the benefit. If the original documents are not handed to the Post Office, payment will not take place.

Where applicable, the following additional documents must accompany the funeral benefits claim

If the spouse is the deceased or the applicant : an original certified copy of the marriage certificate, proof of marriage according to religious tenet, certificate of customary marriage, lobola letter, or two affidavits from each family confirming the customary union.

Lobola letters and affidavits confirming customary marriage must specify the place, date and parties of the customary union, and also the lobola paid.

If an adopted child is the deceased or the applicant : an original certified copy of the adoption order stating the names of the adoptive parents.

If the benefit is payable to the estate
: an original certified copy of the letter of executorship and the Z894 for Banking Particulars Form reflecting the estate’s banking details.

When submitted by fax, the banking details form must be accompanied by a certified bank statement showing the e-mail and landline contact particulars of the bank.

These contact details will be used to confirm the account details provided. A certified copy of the ID of the executor of the estate is also required.

** If the deceased is a biological or legally adopted child, and the child was a full-time student over 18 years but under 22 years: the originally certified proof of full-time registration from a recognised educational institution.

If the deceased is a biological or legally adopted child who was over the age of 18 and was disabled and dependent on the member or pensioner: the originally certified medical proof of disability, along with proof of factual dependency.

** If the surname of the applicant is different from that of the member or pensioner: an affidavit explaining the relationship, for example, that the applicant is the married daughter of a deceased member.

** Where the applicant or the deceased is a life partner : the life partnership must be approved by GEPF before the claim can be processed. If the life partnership had, at the time of death, not yet been approved, a completed Life Partner Application form to be attached to the funeral benefit claim, along with all the prescribed attachments for both documents.

The Life Partner Application form can be downloaded from this website or copy can be requested from the Call Centre (0800 117 669).

FAQ On GEPF Funeral Benefits

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) in South Africa provides funeral benefits to its members and their beneficiaries. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about GEPF funeral benefits:

Q: Who is eligible for GEPF funeral benefits?
A: GEPF members who have completed their probationary period, and their nominated beneficiaries are eligible for funeral benefits.

Q: What is the amount of GEPF funeral benefits?
A: The amount of funeral benefits paid by GEPF is based on the member’s pensionable salary and years of pensionable service. The minimum benefit payable is R15,000, and the maximum benefit is R60,000.

Q: What documents are required to claim GEPF funeral benefits?
A: The required documents to claim GEPF funeral benefits include the death certificate, a completed GEPF claim form, and proof of the member’s pensionable service and salary.

Categories: Facilities

View Comments (1)

  • Nelisiwe Mokali. says:

    I Nelisiwe Violet Mokali persal number:12562955 claimed the death of my daughter Thembekile Puleng Irene Mokali last year 2020.She passed on on the 26 March 2020.

    I did the claim,but up until now there's no response.Her date of birth is 03 May 2000.
    Will you please help.

    Yours sincerely
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