bizportal.gov.za : CIPC Register For B-BBEE Certificates

Organisation : Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)
Facility Name : Register For B-BBEE Certificates
Applicable For : South Africans
Website : https://www.bizportal.gov.za/

CIPC Register For B-BBEE Certificates

Exempted Micro Enterprises (Private Companies / Close Corporations) with a turnover of no more than R10 million can use this platform to register for a B-BBEE certificate at no cost.

Please Note :
** CIPC B-BBEE certificates are free of charge.
** CIPC only provides B-BBEE certificates to Exempted Micro Enterprises; turnover of no more than R10 million.
** A certificate is only valid for a year and cannot be renewed. Once expired a new application must be filed.

** Only directors/members of entities are allowed to apply for B-BBEE certificates, no intermediaries or third parties. You are not allowed to apply for a B-BBEE certificate on behalf of someone, doing so is a criminal offence, and could lead to legal proceedings.

** Providing incorrect shareholder information is a criminal offence, it could lead to legal proceedings.

** Once an application has been submitted it cannot be amended later. Read instructions carefully. Changes will only be recorded when applying for a new B-BBEE certificate after the current one expires.

** Entities that have at least one foreign director/member do not qualify for CIPC B-BBEE certificates.

** All directors/members contact details must be up to date as a unique OTP (One-Time PIN) will be sent to each before an application can be concluded. Functionality to update director/member contact details is available on the CIPC eServices website.

** Directors with more than 10 entities linked to their ID numbers will not be able to apply for CIPC B-BBEE certificates.

Related Post

New Application

** If you are a registered CIPC customer, you can proceed to login using your 13-digit South African ID number and your CIPC password.
** If you are new to CIPC services, please register using your ID number.

Note :
Please note that you might be asked verification questions related to your ID or that of your marital partner. Marital partner is the legally married partner, as per the Marriage Act.

First you have to Login and access the following service
** Retrieve Certificates
** View B-BBEE Details
** Update Designated Groups

BizPortal Services

** Company Registration
** Tax Registration
** Domain Name Registration
** B-BBEE Certificates
** Compensation Fund
** UIF Registration
** Business Bank Accounts
** Company Name Changes
** Company / CC Address Changes
** Annual Return Filing

About BizPortal :
BizPortal is a platform developed by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) to offer company registration and related services in a simple seamless digital way which is completely paperless. It was developed in response to the quest of improving the ease of doing business in South Africa, specifically, starting a business.

As the CIPC strives to provide innovative and convenient ways of transacting with the CIPC, BizPortal is an additional channel to transact with CIPC. The CIPC BizPortal sees the CIPC collaborating with other government agencies (UIF and Compensation), industry regulators and private sector (Banking institutions).

FAQ On CIPC B-BBEE Certificate

The CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) is a regulatory body in South Africa that oversees the registration and administration of companies and intellectual property in the country. The CIPC also issues B-BBEE (Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment) certificates to qualifying companies. Here are some frequently asked questions about CIPC B-BBEE certificates:

What is a CIPC B-BBEE certificate?
A CIPC B-BBEE certificate is a document that verifies a company’s level of B-BBEE compliance. It indicates the company’s level of black ownership, management control, skills development, enterprise and supplier development, and socio-economic development.

How do I apply for a CIPC B-BBEE certificate?
To apply for a CIPC B-BBEE certificate, you need to register your company on the CIPC website, complete the B-BBEE affidavit, and upload relevant documents such as company registration documents, ID copies of directors, and proof of address. You can also apply for a CIPC B-BBEE certificate through a registered B-BBEE verification agency.

How long does it take to get a CIPC B-BBEE certificate?
The processing time for a CIPC B-BBEE certificate can vary, but it typically takes between 5 to 10 working days. However, it may take longer if there are any issues with the application or if additional information is required.

Categories: Facilities

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    I have been requesting for my BBEEE certificate from last week up till today.

    I have not received it as yet...

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