Grade 12 NSC November Past Papers 2019 : Department of Basic Education

Organisation : Department of Basic Education
Exam Name : National Senior Certificate Examinations (Grade 12)
Question Paper : NSC November Past Papers 2019
Website :

NSC November Past Papers

NSC November 2019 Past Papers are available in the official website of Department of Basic Education.

Related / Similar Question Paper :
Grade 12 NSC/SC November Past Papers 2020


1. This question paper consists of THREE sections
** SECTION A – Comprehension (30)
** SECTION B – Summary (10)
** SECTION C – Language (40)

2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Read ALL the instructions carefully.
4. Start EACH section on a NEW page.
5. Leave a line after each answer.
6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.

7. For multiple-choice questions, write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number in the ANSWER BOOK.
8. Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction.

English Question Paper

Section A : Comprehension
Text A :
Get Creative, Get Better :
1. We undertake creative activities such as drawing, painting, writing, acting or dancing because we enjoy them. We know that creativity is good for us and our creative passions make us happy. However, what do scientists have to say about the benefits of creativity?

2. Some people pursue creative activities as a hobby and some do it for a living. However, no matter what road we have taken to release our imagination and need for free self-expression, it is clear that making things is part of being human.

3. People have been creative since prehistoric times. More than 39 900 years ago our ancestors left some of their first marks on the walls of caves. These include the outlines of their hands and simple drawings of animals. We could go as far as to say that our need to create things is in our blood. This has served us well over the course of time, as we have learned to create tools, build shelters, cook food and make medicines.

1.1 Refer to paragraph 1.
State ONE benefit of being creative.

1.2 Refer to paragraph 2.
1.2.1 Explain the difference between doing something ‘as a hobby’ and doing something ‘for a living’.
1.2.2What does the writer mean by ‘release our imagination’?

1.3 Refer to paragraph 3.
1.3.1 Why does the writer refer to ‘prehistoric times’?
1.3.2 Using your OWN words, explain what is meant by ‘is in our blood’.

Related Post

Text B :
1.12 Refer to picture A in TEXT B.
How do you know that the man and the woman are in a vehicle? Give TWO points. (2)
1.13 How does the man’s body language in picture B in TEXT B convey that he is shocked? (2)
1.14 Discuss whether TEXT B as a whole conveys an important message. (2)

Section B : Summary
Question 2 :
** A good night’s sleep is necessary for good health.
** Read TEXT C below and list SEVEN points on how to get a good night’s sleep.

Instructions :
** Your summary must be written in point form.
** List your SEVEN points in full sentences, using no more than 70 words.
** Number your sentences from 1 to 7.
** Write only ONE point per sentence.
** Use your OWN words as far as possible.
** Indicate the total number of words you have used in brackets at the end of your summary.

Text C :
Getting A Good Night’s Sleep :
** According to psychologist, Richard Wiseman, sleeplessness affects up to one in three people. He offers ways in which you can enjoy a good night’s sleep.

** When your eyes are exposed to blue light, especially from screens, your brain produces less of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Therefore, refrain from using devices like smartphones before bed.

** Bathing or showering raises your body temperature. Immediately thereafter, your body temperature will drop sending a signal to your brain that you are ready to sleep.

** Worrying about a problem or what you need to do the next day can cause sleeplessness. Keep a notepad and, before sleeping, make a list of what is on your mind or a list of things to do.

** Beverages that contain caffeine can prevent you from falling asleep. Do not consume caffeinated drinks before bedtime.

** If you are not tired, you may have trouble falling asleep. Fool your body into thinking that you are tired by letting your eyes droop and your arms and legs feel heavy.

Section C : Language
Question 3 : Analysing An Advertisement
Study the advertisement (TEXT D) below and answer the set questions.

Text D :
3.1 Who is the target audience in this advertisement? (1)
3.2 Refer to the headline. Why does the advertiser use a visual instead of the letter ‘u’ in the word ‘your’? (2)

3.3 How do the visuals below the headline support the message of this advertisement? (2)
3.4 Write the word ‘who’ve’ in full. (1)

3.5 Why is Kellogg’s a well-established brand according to this advertisement? (1)
3.6 Why has the advertiser included the Facebook logo, in this advertisement? (1)

3.7 Does this advertisement succeed in convincing the reader to purchase the advertised product? Substantiate your answer.

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