#BPfillmytank Competition : BP Fill my tank Metro FM

Organization : Metro FM
Competition Name : #BPfillmytank Competition – BP Fill my tank
Applicable For : Open to residents of the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : Friday, 21 October
Prize : R1,500 Fuel Voucher

Website : http://bpfillmytank.co.za/

#BPfillmytank Competition

How it Works :
** Designed to complement the very latest, high-spec engine technologies and benefit older vehicles, BP Ultimate with ACTIVE technology has proven dirt-busting properties.

Related : Lucozade South Africa Win-Win Campaign & Promotion : www.southafricain.com/1824.html

** The new BP Ultimate fuel starts working to fight the effects of dirt the moment you start your engine, and with ongoing use help deliver a smoother drive, reduce the risk of unplanned maintenance and can give you more kilometers per tank, and up to 56km more per tank for diesel.

** BP is pleased to bring their newest dirt-busting innovation and best ever range of Ultimate fuel to their customers in South Africa.
** Join the conversation on social media at #OurFuelStory. BP. Go your way

How To Win :
** All you have to do to stand the chance of winning a free tank of BP fuel is to take a photo of you and your close to empty tank..

** Post your photo on any social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram) with the #BPfillmytank OR you can enter and upload your photo right here!
** Then listen out on Metro FM as your name may just be called out live on air!

Terms and Conditions :
** The competition takes place from Monday, 3 October to Friday, 21 October on Metro FM
** The competition will encourage contestants to take a picture of themselves and their close to empty tank and post it on any social media platform or on entry page on the Metro FM website.

** The post must contain the hashtag #BPfillmytank.
** No entries will be considered that do not contain the correct hashtag
** Three (3) random posts will be chosen by the show and/or producers for each competition moment and the contestant’s names (or twitter handles) will be called out live on air.
** The three chosen contestants will have 15 minutes in which to SMS the station.

** The first SMS received will be deemed the winner of a fuel voucher to the value of R1,500.
** The winner will then be called live on air and will stand the chance of winning additional cash by answering two questions live on air.
** The first question will be a distance related question and if correct the winner will be awarded an additional R1000.

** The second question will require a true or false response and will be related to BP Ultimate fuel.
** If correct the winner will be awarded an additional R500.
** The Judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
** The winner will be sent a fuel voucher to the value of R1,500 via courier and any additional cash payments will be made directly into the winners’ account.

Contact Address :
BP House,
10 Junction Avenue,
Parktown, 2193

Categories: Contest

View Comments (4)

  • BP fill my tank.

  • Deon Poss says:

    Bp fill my tank



  • Themba Khumalo says:

    Bp please fill my tank

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