VUT Check Your 2021 Application Status : Vaal University of Technology

Organization : Vaal University of Technology
Facility Name : Check Your 2021 Application Status
Head Quarters : Vanderbijlpark
Website : https://www.vut.ac.za/

How To Check VUT Application Status?

Just follow the below steps to check your 2021 application status.

Related / Similar Facility : VUT Autumn Graduation Ceremonies & Certificate Collection 2021

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of Vaal University of Technology through provided above.
Step 2 : Next, click on the “Check Your 2021 Application Status” link in the home page.

Step 3
: Enter the Student, Passport or ID Number
Step 4 : Click on the “Search” button to know your application status.

Note :
Official correspondence will be sent to all applicants confirming all outcomes. All information on registration instruction will be made available to all successful candidates

FAQ On VUT Registration

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On VUT Registration

1. When logging on the VUT application self-check to check my applications, I get an error “Data could not be found”
The Academic department has not received your application. This could be that you have sent the application by post and we still have not received it.

2. What is the date for the registration?
First year students for all Faculties: 01-05 March 2021. Senior Students (including Advance Diploma’s and PG students) 8 -12 March 2021.

3. I forgot my ITS pin?
1. First ensure that your VUT student Google email is activated (i.e. go to www.vut.ac.za/student/ click student Google email, use StudentNumber@edu.avu.ac.za and your eight digit pin to login).

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2. Go to: ienabler.vut.ac.za.

3. Enter your student number and click “Forgot Pin”. The existing PIN will be sent to your VUT student Google email address i.e. StudentNumber@edu.vut.ac.za.

4. Login to your VUT email account to access the pin.
5. Go back to the ITS login page, enter the pin that was sent to your email then click Login.

4. I am an NSFAS student how can I register without the initial registration fee?
Confirmed NSFAS funded students and other sponsored students are not required to pay the Registration fee.

5. I have received confirmation from my bursary that they will pay for me what do I do in order to register?
The sponsor should send a sponsorship letter (with correct student number) or list of beneficiaries to Financial Aid Department. mahadim@vut.ac.za and confidence@vut.ac.za. The registration block will then be removed.

6. I still have outstanding debt for 2020, which process do I follow to make payment arrangement to register?
You pay required % amount according to Memorandum of Agreement between VUT Management and SRC plus registration fee, go to www.vut.ac.za/credit-management complete forms and submit with supporting to Credit Management

7. What is the required initial (registration fee) for 2021?
National students must pay R2100.00. International Students must pay annual fees in full.

8. I don’t have all results for the first semester, will I be able to register for the second semester?
Yes, even though the results are not finalized, you will be allowed to register for the next level subject. You must however ensure that you successfully complete all your required modules. Your Faculty will provide the required support in this regard.

Functions of VUT

Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is a higher education institution located in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, South Africa. Here are some of the key functions of VUT:

Teaching and Learning:
VUT offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of study, including engineering, applied and computer sciences, business management, and social sciences. The university is committed to providing quality teaching and learning experiences to its students.

VUT is involved in various research activities, including applied research that is geared towards addressing societal challenges. The university has a number of research centers that focus on different areas such as sustainable energy, water research, and nanotechnology.

Community Engagement:
VUT is committed to engaging with communities and stakeholders to address societal challenges. The university has various outreach programs, including community service projects and partnerships with local organizations.

Categories: Facilities
Tags: vut.ac.za
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