University Of Technology Merit Bursaries : Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education (SITFE)

Organisation : Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education (SITFE)
Announcement : University Of Technology Merit Bursaries
Applicable for : KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga
Closing Date : 30 November 2016

Website :
Guideline :
Application Form :

University Of Technology Merit Bursaries :

Undergraduate :
Who Can Apply?
** Applicants from the sugarcane growing provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga

Related : South African Medical Research Council Local Masters Scholarships :

Bursaries are only available for studies at the :
** Durban University of Technology,
** Mangosuthu University of Technology,
** University of Mpumalanga,
** Sol Plaatje University,
** Tshwane University of Technology

Applicants must be either :
** Registered or have applied in the following disciplines, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, or The Child Of A Sugarcane Farm Worker who is registered or has applied for any field of study.

** Applicants must be South African citizens
** Disadvantaged applicants and first years from sugarcane growing areas, where mills and sugar industry administrative infrastructure are located will receive preference.

Special Note :
** Participation in and contribution to the tertiary and community life will be favorably considered
Closing date: Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Write to :
University of Technology Merit Bursaries
Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education
c/o South African Sugar Association
P O Box 700
Mount Edgecombe 4300

University Merit Bursaries :
Undergraduate :
Who Can Apply?
** Applicants from the sugarcane growing provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga

Bursaries are only available for studies at the :
** University of Cape Town,
** University of Witwatersrand,
** University of KwaZulu-Natal,
** University Stellenbosch,
** University of Pretoria,
** University of Johannesburg,
** University of the Western Cape,
** University of Fort Hare,
** Rhodes University

Applicants must be either :
** Registered or have applied in the following disciplines, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, or The Child Of A Sugarcane Farm Worker who is registered or has applied for any field of study

** Applicants must be South African citizens
** Disadvantaged applicants and first years from sugarcane growing areas, where mills and sugar industry administrative infrastructure are located will receive preference.

Special Note :
** Participation in and contribution to the tertiary and community life will be favorably considered
Closing date: Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Write to :
University Merit Bursaries
Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education
c/o South African Sugar Association
P O Box 700
Mount Edgeco

Agricultural Bursaries :
Who Can Apply?
** Applicants from the sugarcane growing provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga

Bursaries are only available for studies at the :
** Owen Sithole College of Agriculture,
** Cedara College of Agriculture

Applicants must be either :
** Registered or have applied in the following disciplines,Science, Engineering, Agriculture, or The Child Of A Sugarcane Farm Worker who is registered or has applied for any field of study
** Applicants must be South African citizens
** Disadvantaged applicants and first years from sugarcane growing areas, where mills and sugar industry administrative infrastructure are located will receive preference.

Special Note :
** Participation in and contribution to College and community life will be favorably considered
Closing date: Wednesday, 30 November 2016

For busaries at Cedara College, please write to :
Hirst Simpson Agricultural Bursaries (Cedara College)
Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education
c/o South African Sugar Association
P O Box 700
Mount Edgecombe,

For busaries at Owen Sithole College, please write to :
Owen Sithole Agricultural Bursaries
Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education
c/o South African Sugar Association
P O Box 700
Mount Edgecombe,

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