Bring Home the Gold Competition

Organization : Defy
Competition Name : Bring Home the Gold Competition
Applicable For : South African citizens
Competition Deadline : 24 December 2016
Prize : R50.00 and R2 500.00

Website :

Bring Home the Gold Promotional Competition :

** The name of the competition is “Bring Home the Gold”.
** The competition commences 15 October 2016 and ends 24 December 2016.

Related : Defy R1 million Gift Card Giveaway Promotion :

Entrants :
** Entrants must be South African citizens, and must reside in South Africa.
** Entrants must be over the age of 18, and be in possession of a valid ID document/passport.

** No employees, directors, agents, or consultants (or their immediate families) directly connected to or in the employment of Defy, its subsidiaries and business partners, associates, advertising or promotion agencies, or staff members of the participating outlets, may take part in the competition.

Competition :
** The total prize is cash to the value of up to R1 million.
** Prizes are awarded in increments of between R50.00 and R2 500.00.
** Participants must purchase a Defy large appliance from a participating store (House & Home, or OK Furniture) to stand a chance to win.

** Participants must retain till slips as proof of purchase.
** Upon completing their purchase, they will be given a Gold Medal scratch card.
** Scratching the card will reveal a unique 10-digit code.

Participants will need to dial the USSD number *120*4303#, and follow the prompts they receive :
** They must enter their unique code.
** They must confirm whether they have purchased from an OK Furniture or House & Home store.
** They must enter the branch code (found on their till slip or supplied by the sales representative).

** They must enter their invoice number, found on their till slip.
** Participants will receive instant confirmation whether they have won or not.
** Winners will receive a unique pin number via SMS, directly after they end their USSD session.
** In addition, winners will be sent a second unique pin number from Standard Bank within 24 hours.

Related Post

** To claim their prize, winners must go to any Standard Bank ATM and enter both pin numbers, whereupon they will receive their cash prize. They do not need to have a bank account with Standard Bank to claim their prize.

** Winners have 30 days (from receiving their pin number) to claim their winnings from Standard Bank.
** Participants may enter up to four times per month (using four different invoice numbers, and four different scratch card numbers) with the same phone number.

** If participants have bought more than four large appliances during the competition period, and wish to enter more than the standard four times, they may phone Cera-Lee on (031) 312 7519 to get their phone number unlocked for further entries. This will only be done upon proof of more than four legitimate purchases.

** The cost of the USSD line is R0.60 per 60 seconds.

General :
** The Promoter of this competition is Defy.
** This competition, and the awarding of prizes, is held in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, 2008 and the regulations governing promotional competitions.

** The Promoters, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, suppliers, contractors and sponsors assume no liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from an entrant’s participation in this promotional competition or for any loss or damage, howsoever arising.

** In the event of a dispute, the decision of the Promoter will be final and binding on all aspects of this competition, and no correspondence will be entered into.

** Upon entering this competition, the entrant agrees to receive marketing information, updates, special offers, etc., from Defy until such time as the entrant decides to “opt out” of receiving such material.

** By accepting the prize, the winners consent for the Promoter and its agents to publish their names and photographs in any advertising, promotional, print, point of sale, or public relations material, the nature and manner of such releases to be determined within the sole discretion of the Promoter.

Contact Address :
135 Teakwood Rd,
Jacobs, 4052, Durban,
South Africa

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