OUTsurance Promotion : MultiChoice

Organization : MultiChoice (PTY) LTD
Competition Name : OUTsurance Promotion
Applicable For : Entrant must permanently reside in the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 31 December 2016
Prize : 3 months to use your movie credits.

Website :

OUTsurance Promotion :

** Get the Movies in your Home with OUTsurance!

 Related : MultiChoice Support Services Win with Futurelife :

** BoxOffice and OUTsurance have teamed up this summer to bring you Movie RENTertainment, where you get FIVE movie credits topped up for you by OUTsurance on your PVR / Explora!
** Starting 01 October 2016, all you have to do is SMS “QUOTE” to 30166 for an obligation free car insurance quote.

** Once you are quoted by OUTsurance and have sent though the required information via the OUTsurance website – OUTsurance will top up you BoxOffice Account with FIVE movie credits!
** This only applies to active DStv PVR / Explora customers who are on any package, paying the active access fee subscription.
** This exciting promotion kicks off on 01 October 2016 and ends at midnight on 31 December 2016.

** You have 3 months to use your movie credits! Don’t stress as we will remind you just in case you forget! Because when we drive a hard bargain, you shouldn’t have to hit the brakes – just press GREEN!

Introduction :
1. BoxOffice and OUTsurance have entered into a partnership arrangement to promote and encourage sales to both parties
2. The partnership is run via a sponsorship where OUTsurance is offering FIVE (5) DStv BoxOffice movies to a DStv subscriber who obtains an obligation free car insurance quote from OUTsurance
3. This therefore means that OUTsurance will top up the BoxOffice Account of the qualifying DStv customers with FIVE (5) BoxOffice movie credits.

4. The BoxOffice / OUTsurance Sponsorship promotion (“the promotion”) will be run by DStv in association with OUTsurance, collectively known as “the organisers “.
5. All persons participating in the sponsorship promotion (“the entrants”) agree that the promotion rules as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them.

Promotional / Sponsorship Period :
1. The promotional will commence on 01 October 2016 and will close at 24h00 on Friday, 31 December 2016 (“the promotional period”).

Who can enter :
1. In order to be eligible to enter this promotion :
1.1. the entrant must permanently reside in the Republic of South Africa;
1.2. the entrant must be a South African citizen and be in possession of a valid South African identification document;
1.3. the entrant must be 18 years or older;
1.4. the entrant must be a DStv customer, on any of the DStv packages with a PVR or Explora and paying an active access fee subscription
1.5. the entrant cannot be a juristic person and must be an individual person; 1.6. the entrant must have the right to accept the prize.

2. The promotion is open any person who is a Naspers employee director, member, partner, employee or agent of, or consultant to any of the organisers including their spouses, life partners, parents, children, brother, sisters, business partners and associated or any other person who directly or indirectly controls, or is controlled by, any of the organisers, or any supplier of goods or services in connection with the promotion.

3. Notwithstanding 1.4 above, the promotion is not open to any person who are :
3.1. existing OUTsurance or OUTsurance Namibia clients
3.2. Any person who does not have a valid DStv Account with an active access fee subscription for a PVR or Explora Decoder
3.3. Any person who requests a commercial car insurance quote
3.4. Any staff members of the OUTsurance Holdings Group and their immediate family members.

4. Any person who has already received the benefit of this promotion (i.e. FIVE (5) Box Office movies) or any other quote promotion in the last 186 days.
5. Any person who has had a policy cancelled by OUTsurance or OUTsurance Namibia within the last 186 days.
6. Any person who is deemed an unacceptable risk as determined by OUTsurance underwriting criteria.

How to Enter :
1. Obtain an obligation free personal car insurance quote from OUTsurance for a car that you currently pay insurance on, with a company that sells car insurance to the general public of South Africa.
1.1. You may claim this benefit whether you accept the quote or not.

2. Once you have been quoted by OUTsurance, respond to OUTsurance with the required information via the OUTsurance website within 30 days of receiving the quote via e-mail from OUTsurance.
3. You will be required to provide the South African ID number of the BoxOffice account holder to whom you?d like to credit the FIVE (5) Box Office movies.

4. Part of the information required above will be a schedule of your existing insurance cover, confirming that the insurance was effective prior to the date of our quote. The schedule should not be older than 48 hours.

5. Upon meeting all qualifying criteria and obtaining an obligation free quote with OUTsurance, OUTsurance will notify BoxOffice by DStv of your details.
5.1. BoxOffice Business Rules will be applied
5.2. Upon successful qualification of meeting the BoxOffice Business Rules, your BoxOffice Account will be topped up with the FIVE (5) movie credits which entitles you to rent any movie of your choice on BoxOffice on your PVR or Explora

6. BoxOffice will send you a message notification via SMS once your BoxOffice Account has been topped up, advising of the readiness to start using your allocated movies credits.
7. A movie credit is equal to ONE (1) movie rental.
8. All movie credits have an expiry date and therefore must be used within 90 days from date of issue.
9. BoxOffice will keep the BoxOffice Acccount holder appraised of the movies credits still available via SMS reminders via the mobile number we have on record.

10. All FIRST complimentary movie received upon sign up to BoxOffice, and /or any other prior complimentary movie received on BoxOffice prior to this promotion coming into effect, must be used first before the promotional movies credits will be considered by the system.

Contact Address :
MultiChoice Customer Centre,
Willie Faasen Avenue,
N1 City
Cape Town

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