Win A Cruise Relicalm Competition : Medpro Pharmaceutica

Organization : Medpro Pharmaceutica (Pty) Limited
Competition Name : Win A Cruise Relicalm Competition
Applicable For : Citizen or permanent resident of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 30/11/2016 – 30/November/2016
Prize : R 35,000

Website :

Win A Cruise Relicalm Competition Terms & Conditions :

** This Promotion/Competition/Program (“Promotion”) is operated by Medpro Pharmaceutica (Pty) Limited(“The Promoter”).

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** This Promotion is open from 01/10/2016 to 30/11/2016. Any entries received after midnight on the last day will not be valid and will not be considered.
** The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion and to the extent permitted by law, to amend these T&C’s at any time.

** The Promoter may notify The Participant of any significant changes, however there is no obligation on The Promoter to do so and it remains your responsibility to check these T&C’s regularly on the website and/or any other communications’ medium applicable.

** The Promoter shall have the right to terminate the Promotion (“Termination”) immediately and without notice for any reason, beyond its control, requiring this.

** In the event of such Termination, The Participant agree to waive any rights that The Participant may have in terms of this Promotion and acknowledge that The Participant will have no recourse against the Promoter, its agents and/or staff.

** These T&C’s as well as the terms of use governing each of the specific rewards/prizes/ benefits (“Rewards”) will apply to your participation/submission/entry (“Participation”) into the Promotion.

** Please note that these T&C’s do not replace the terms and conditions prescribed by each reward partners (“Reward Terms”) and must be read in conjunction with such other Reward Terms. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with those Rewards Terms.

** By entering the Promotion, The Participant confirms that they have read, understood and agree to be bound by these T&C’s, as they may be amended from time to time.

** By continuing your Participation and use of the Rewards, after the Promoter has modified and/or amended these T&C’s, The Participant agree to be bound by such modified T&C’s. If the modified T&C’s are not acceptable to The Participant, The Participant must terminate their Participation.

** The Promotion is open to all South African Residents above the age of 18 who are in possession of a valid identity document or passport. Directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants of or any other person (including the spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members) who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter or marketing service providers in respect of the promotional competition cannot enter the Promotion.

** The Promoter, its agents and distributors accept no liability whatsoever for the misuse of the reward voucher and or products, and are not liable for any personal loss, injury or death at Reward Partner featured venues and or by using the products, and cannot be held responsible for any dissatisfaction concerning quality or availability of featured venues and or products.

** The offer is subject to promotional availability. Participating Reward Partner venues reserve the right to vary times and offer availability (e.g. Public holidays).
** By entering the Promotion the Participant, agree to receive communication from the Promoter.

** To the extent allowed by law, these T&C’s set out the whole of the arrangement between The Participant and The Promoter in regard to the subject matter hereof and there are no other agreements, guarantees or representations, either verbal or in writing, in regard thereto upon which

** The Participant are relying in concluding this agreement and The Promoter shall not be bound by any express or implied term, representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. This clause constitutes an acknowledgment of fact by The Participant.

** The Participant must ensure that The Participant read the above clause carefully and ensure that this statement is true and correct as this will limit your rights to claim that these statements are not true and correct.

** To the extent allowed by law, no extension of time or indulgence which The Promoter may grant to The Participant shall constitute a waiver of any of The Promoter’s rights, who shall not thereby by precluded from exercising any rights against The Participant which may have arisen in the past or which might arise in the future.

** This clause limits and excludes obligations, liabilities and legal responsibilities whichThe Promoterwill have towards The Participant and also limits and excludes your rights and remedies and places various risks, liabilities, obligations and legal responsibilities on The Participant.

** These T&C’s shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the Republic of South Africa and the parties consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with these T&C’s.

** Any provision in these T&C’s which is or may become illegal, invalid or unenforceable shall, to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability, be ineffective and treated as having not been written and severed from the balance of these T&C’s, without invalidating the remaining provisions of these T&C’s.

** The Promoter and its agencies reserve the right to correct any errors and omissions.
** These terms and conditions will supersede any errors or omissions on any publicly communicated documentation or marketing material.

** The Participant agree that The Promoter may send any notice or notification arising under and/or contemplated in these T&C’s by electronic mail or other electronic communication to your contact details provided when The Participant subscribed to The Promoter.

** The Participant are required to adhere to any applicable tax laws of South Africa linked to Rewards.
** It is your responsibility as a Participant to adhere and do the necessary submission is and when applicable.
** The Promoter’s domicilium citandi et executandi (place for service of legal documents) is Parc du Cap , Building 9, Mispel Street, Bellville, 7530, Cape Town, South Africa.

View Comments (1)

  • Kedibone Masemola says:

    I have entered the Relicalm competition in October and received a message with the reference number that I have won. The following day I phoned the promoters and I was since promised that they will call me back. Till this day no one call me from Relicalm. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map