Cell C Spin and Win Promotion : cellc.co.za

Organization : Cell C (Pty) Limited
Competition Name : Cell C Spin and Win Promotion
Applicable For : Open to Cell C and Non-Cell C subscribers
Competition Deadline : 31 January 2017
Prize : R200 000 (two hundred thousand Rand)

Website : https://www.cellc.co.za/cellc/spinandwin#/collapse1

Cell C Spin & Win Promotion

** It is important that you understand and agree to these Terms and Conditions in order for you to participate in the Spin and Win Promotion (“Spin and Win”)
** All standard Terms and Conditions of Cell C and Cell C Service Provider apply to Spin and Win.

Related : Cell C #BreakTheNet Competition : www.southafricain.com/1781.html

** Spin and Win is organised, and prizes are sponsored, by Cell C (Pty) Limited, registration number 1999/007722/07 (“Cell C”), and is open to all active Prepaid Customers on the MegaBonus tariff plan during the Promotional Period.

** For the purposes of Spin and Win, a “Participant” is any natural person that participates in the Competition, accepts the terms and conditions applicable to Spin and Win, and who is an active Cell C MegaBonus Customer. All Participants must be 18 (eighteen) years or older, or assisted by a parent or guardian.

** The MegaBonus terms and conditions apply to all Participants of Spin and Win.

** Directors, members, partners, employees or agents of or consultants to Cell C, or their sponsorship agency, or spouses, life partners, parents, children, siblings, business partners or associates of such persons, are not eligible to participate in Spin and Win and therefore may not win any of the prizes.

** Spin and Win will run from 00:00:00 on 01 October 2016 to 23:59:59 on 31 January 2017 (“the Promotional Period”).

** You understand that all information (including these terms and conditions) relating to Spin and Win which is published on any promotional or advertising material, or on Cell C’s website, at any time before or during the Promotional Period, will form part of the terms and conditions of entry.

Access to Spin and Win on MegaBonus :
** Spin and Win is available to all active and qualifying Cell C Prepaid Customers on the MegaBonus tariff plan.
** Existing Prepaid Customers can migrate into MegaBonus via *108# or *147#.

** New or Ported-in Customers can purchase a Cell C starter pack and migrate to the MegaBonus tariff plan via *108# or *147#.
** Spin and Win shall be available to the customer via the Cell C website i.e. .cellc.co.za/spinandwin , Cell C App and USSD i.e. *107# after performing a qualifying recharge.

** When a MegaBonus Customer performs a qualifying recharge, the Customer shall receive a SMS notification advising the customer that they are now able to participate in Spin and Win.
** Customers will receive a maximum of 1 (One) Spin per recharge denomination/voucher.
** The MegaBonus tariff plan and terms and conditions are applicable to Spin & Win.

How to Qualify

** To qualify for Spin and Win, Customers must recharge with a minimum value of R5 (Five Rand) or more in order to participate in Spin and Win.
** a. The R5 (Five Rand) recharge is non-cumulative, meaning the customer must recharge with a minimum of R5 (Five Rand) in a single event.

** Customers shall still receive MegaBonus benefits if they perform a recharge of R5 (Five Rand) or more.
** Any qualifying recharge performed via any recharge channel shall qualify to participate in Spin and Win (excluding Airtime Share and Emergency Airtime).

How To Participate

Customers can participate in Spin and Win via USSD and WAP :
USSD – *107# :
** As soon as a customer recharges with a qualifying denomination/voucher, a SMS shall be sent to the Customer to prompt them to select a letter/number on the USSD menu via *107#. One recharge of an amount of R5 (five Rand) or more = 1 (One) opportunity to select a letter/number.

** Qualifying recharges of R5 (Five Rand) or more will entitle customers to select one letter/number per recharge from a list of 5 (Five) letters i.e. A to E.
** The letters/number on the USSD represents possible prizes i.e. Bonus Airtime/Cash or Lifestyle prizes that the customer may win by selecting a letter/number.

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** If a customer recharges with R5 (Five Rand) they will have 1 opportunity to select a letter/number on the USSD. Should a customer recharge with R50 (Fifty Rand), the customer will still only receive1 (One) opportunity to select a letter/number on the USSD, but the higher the recharge value, the higher the chances of winning a larger prize.

** Customers who perform multiple recharges during a particular day, and do not go into the Spin & Win App immediately, shall accumulate the opportunities to select a letter/number for that day, however, all these opportunities will expire at midnight on the day of recharge.

** Customers must always select a letter/number in order to redeem a prize.
** Opportunities to select a number/letter are only valid until Midnight (23:59:59) on the day of the qualifying recharge and there will be no carry over.

WAP- Cell C Website/ Cell C App :
** As soon as a customer recharges with a qualifying denomination/voucher, a SMS shall be sent to the Customer to prompt them to click on the “spin” button on the Spin and Win App via .cellc.co.za/spinandwin or via the Cell C App.

** Please note that if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, Cell C will not be able to identify your number to allow you to Spin & Win. You will be requested to enter you cellphone number to continue to open the Spin & Win game.

** Qualifying recharges of R5 (Five Rands) or more will entitle customers to 1 (One) Spin per recharge denomination/voucher on an interactive game board. One recharge of an amount of R5 (Five Rand) or more = 1 (One) Spin.
** The symbols or a logo on the interactive game board represents possible prizes i.e. Bonus Airtime/Cash and Life Style prizes that the customer may win by clicking on the “spin” button.

** If a customer recharges with R5 (Five Rand) they will receive 1 (One) spin, and the customer shall be entitled to a “Spin”. Should a customer recharge with R50 (Fifty Rand), the customer will still only receive 1 (One) Spin, but the higher the recharge value, the higher the chances of winning a larger prize.

** Customers who perform multiple recharges during a particular day, and do not go into the Spin & Win App immediately, shall accumulate spins for that day, however, all spins accumulated will be expire at midnight on the day of recharge.

** Should customers spin and get 5 (Five) “C” logos aligned horizontally on the interactive game board, they will stand a chance of winning either Cash prizes (including the Grand Prize), Bonus Airtime and/or various lifestyle prizes. If all of the 5 (Five) “C” logos are not aligned, customers may receive other Bonus Airtime prizes of varying amounts.

** Spins are only valid until Midnight (23:59:59) on the day of the qualifying recharge.
** There is no carry over of unused spins.


The prizes to be won in Spin and Win are as follows :

Bonus Airtime :
** R600 000 000 (six hundred million) Bonus Airtime

Cash :
** 810 x R1 000 (one thousand Rand)
** 405 x R2 000 (two thousand Rand)
** 90 x R5 000 (five thousand Rand)
** 16 x R10 000 (ten thousand Rand)

** 14 x R20 000 (twenty thousand Rand)
** 1 x 50 000 (fifty thousand Rand) Grand Prize- October 2016
** 1 x R100 000 (hundred thousand Rand) Grand Prize- November 2016
** 1 x R150 000 (hundred and fifty thousand Rand) Grand Prize- December 2016
** 2 x R200 000 (two hundred thousand Rand) Grand Prize- January 2017

Lifestyle Prizes :
** 3500 x Cell C Devices- 875 devices per month for the duration of the Promotional Period
** 4 x Polo Vivos – 1 car per month for the duration of the Promotional Period

** 20 x R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) Holiday Packages- 5 packages per month for the duration of the Promotional Period
** 8 x R2000 (two thousand) Dinner with 5 friends- 2 packages per month for the duration of the Promotional Period

There are 6 (six) Prize Categories :
** Prize Category ‘A’ refers to the Bonus Airtime Prize
** Prize Category ‘B’ refers to the Cash Prize
** Prize Category ‘C’ refers to the Cell C Devices Prize
** Prize Category ‘D’ refers to the Holiday and Dinner packages Prize
** Prize Category ‘E’ refers to the Cars Prize
** Prize Category ‘F’ refers to the Grand Prize

Some Important Information From Comments

Error / Problem:
1. I have recharged with 100rand. Did my win and spin won 150 rand airtime but it was never credited to my phone. It’s not the first time this happens. Nobody helped me then and I really hope I get some kind of assistance. Every time I recharged, I never get 3x the value in bonus airtime. It’s always 2x the value. I am on mega bonus and have been for a long while. Please be so kind as to add my airtime that I won and also rectify my bonus airtime which according to the promotion’s is guaranteed at 3x the value.

2. I won R360 airtime but it was not loaded into my airtime account balance. I have called numerous people to ask why but they were not much help and said they could not do anything. This is not fair because I feel robbed!

Categories: Contest
Tags: cellc.co.za

View Comments (18)

  • Elsie Mienie says:

    I was contacted on Friday 20 October 2023 about the win and spin promotion. I participate and won some prizes. Till this moment I am still waiting for the delivery to take place, after I was promised it will be delivered today between 3 and 4. Nothing yet

  • I won a handset With Spin and Win but I didn't receive it still. Do i need to submit any proof documents to claim my gift? Please help me.

  • Busisiwe Gxotho says:

    They said congratulations, you won a cell c handset on 5th of December. I used to recharge everyday for R5 or R10 then play spin and win everyday. When will I get the handset?

  • Anele Xakekile says:

    I won on spin and win but I never got my winning prize. Please help me.

    • Anele Xakekile says:

      Can u send me a message to claim my cash prize? My prize number is 0737108812. Please help me.

  • I was told on the 31st Jan, I won a cell C handset. Hasn't received a call yet today is the 5th January? What happened cell c?

  • They said congratulation you have won 1 thousand rands last week Friday but, still I am waiting whats wrong?

  • Yesterday I won. They said congrats you have won a headset. Cell c agent will call you. I am still waiting.

  • Hendrik Loff says:

    Why do I just win R2 to R4 airtime when I spin?

  • Thabo Stuurman says:

    I won a cellphone but nothing is happening. How can I claim my prize?

  • Khumbulani says:

    I played spin and win competition last Friday. They said congratulations you've won a handset and that they will contact me and I'm still waiting.

  • What should I do if I want to win cash or a car?

  • I recharge with R35 three weeks ago and won R5000 but never received my wining prize! What's going on with cell c really?

  • Mr Trustmore Siwela says:

    I won R62 in spin and win after recharging with R25 but still they didn't sent me that prize. Is there anything wrong?

  • I have recharged with 100rand. Did my win and spin won 150 rand airtime but it was never credited to my phone. It's not the first time this happens. Nobody helped me then and I really hope I get some kind of assistance. Every time I recharged I never get 3x the value in bonus airtime. It's always 2x the value. I am on mega bonus and have been for a long while. Please be so kind as to add my airtime that I won and also rectify my bonus airtime which according to the promotion's is guaranteed at 3x the value.

  • I won R360 airtime but it was not loaded into my airtime account balance. I have called numerous people to ask why but they were not much help and said they could not do anything. This is not fair because I feel robbed!

  • What should I do to win cash price instead of airtime in spin and win?

    • What should I do to win cash prize or a car instead of airtime?

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