: National Senior Certificate Exam NSC Sample Question Paper

Organisation : Department of Basic Education
Exam : National Senior Certificate Examinations
Document Type : NSC Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : English First Additional Language
Year : 2016

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English FAL P3

Education English First Additional Language Paper

Marks: 80
Time: 2 hours

Instructions & Information

1. This question paper consists of THREE sections:
Section A – Comprehension (30)
Section B – Summary (10)
Section C – Language (40)

Related : Department of Basic Education ASC Exam Sample Question Paper  :

2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Read ALL the instructions carefully.
4. Start EACH section on a NEW page.
5. Leave a line between answers.
6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
7. For multiple-choice questions, write only the question number and the letter (A–D) of the correct answer.
8. Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction.

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Sample Questions

Section A: Comprehension
Question 1 :
1. In a world where global climate negotiations are sluggish and bring few tangible results, young people – who will inherit the problems developing today – are starting to come together to give their concerns a louder voice.

2. In South Africa, more and more organisations are providing platforms for the youth to be heard, and to change things in their communities.

3. One of the largest and most active of these is Generation Earth, a youth organisation that has branches in schools across the country. Ella Bella, its co-founder, has used the organisation as a platform to talk to political leaders from around the world – from former president Nelson Mandela to diplomats at the United Nations General Assembly. Her message is that young people will inherit the world, so they should have a say in how it is run now. The organisation regularly holds summits and also gives young people practical tips on how to change their surroundings.

1.1 Name TWO youth organisations that aim to change communities’ attitudes towards the environment in South Africa. (2)
1.2 What does the word ‘sluggish’ (line 1) suggest about negotiations that take place? (1)
1.3 Quote a SINGLE word to prove the following statement FALSE: Ella Bella is the only founder of Generation Earth. (1)
1.4 Why did Ella Bella decide to talk to political leaders like Nelson Mandela? (3)
1.5 Explain how the Green Your School programme promotes care of the environment. (3)

Section B: Summary
Question 2 :
** You have been asked to write an article for your local newspaper on the importance of road safety education for learners.
** Read the passage below (TEXT C) and list SEVEN important points on road safety education for learners that you will include in your article.

Instructions :
1. Your summary must be written in point form.
2. List your SEVEN points in full sentences, using not more than 70 words.
3. Number your sentences from 1 to 7.
4. Write only ONE point per sentence.
5. Use your OWN words as far as possible.
6. Indicate the total number of words you have used in brackets at the end of your summary.

Section C: Language
Question 3: Analysing An Advertisement
Study The Advertisement (Text D) Below And Answer The Set Questions.
3.1 State what is being advertised. (1)
3.2 Explain how the picture is linked to the words, ‘COME AND EXPERIENCE THE CAPITAL!’ (2)
3.3 Explain why Tshwane is ‘an ideal tourist destination all year round’. (2)
3.4 How will this advertisement appeal to people who are interested in the arts? State TWO points. (2)

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