Amended Senior Certificate Exam ASC Sample Question Paper Department of Basic Education

Organisation : Department of Basic Education
Exam : Amended Senior Certificate Examinations
Document Type : ASC Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : English First Additional Language

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ASC Exam Sample Question Paper

Instructions And Information :
1. This question paper consists of THREE sections:
Section A – Comprehension (30)
Section B – Summary (10)
Section C – Language (40)

2. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Read ALL the instructions carefully.
4. Start EACH section on a NEW page.
5. Leave a line between answers.
6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
7. For multiple-choice questions, write only the question number and the letter (A–D) of the correct answer.
8. Pay special attention to spelling and sentence construction.

ACC Sample Questions

Section A: Comprehension
Question 1 :
Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions.
1. The pressure of life in the twenty-first century seems to be leaving its mark mainly on the youth. While South African youngsters are generally happy and optimistic about the future, the demands of their fast-paced, continuously c1. onnected lifestyle seem to be resulting in a need for more time with family rather than the desire for material possessions.

2. In the Sunday Times Generation Next Youth Brand Survey of 2015, family and parents once again topped the list in the ‘Top 2 Things You Can’t Live Without’ category. Surprisingly, cellphones and clothes had dropped out of the top three, to be replaced by music, which was number four in 2014.

3. Janet Davel, a psychologist, says that the youth face the triple pressures of education, sport and social engagements. Parents experience similar challenges and everyone tries to multitask and be more productive. This demanding pace promotes overscheduling, which can turn into recurring stress that may in turn lead to behavioural, mood and attention disorders.

1.1 How do South African youngsters feel about the future? (2)
1.2 Explain what the writer means when he refers to teenagers’ way of life as ‘continuously connected’ (lines 3–4). (2)
1.3 Refer to paragraph 2. Why is it surprising that cellphones and clothes have dropped out of the top three in the Sunday Times Generation Next Youth Brand Survey of 2015? (2)

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1.4 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
1.6 What does it mean to multitask (line 12)? (1)
1.7 How do parents who spend too much time working set a poor example for their children? State THREE ways. (3)

1.8 Anastasia Savopoulos says that more emphasis is placed on electronic relationships than on real ones. What does she mean by this? (2)
1.9 Discuss how the fear of missing out (paragraph 8) may become a negative factor in today’s technological world. (2)
1.10 Why do today’s school-going youth face much higher workloads than the previous generations? (2)

1.11 Find a word from the passage that means the same as ‘adolescents’ (line 52).(1)
1.12 Explain Janet Davel’s intention or goal in the concluding paragraph. (3)
1.13 What is the SECOND least popular mode of transport used by South Africans? Give a reason for your answer. (2)

1.14 How do the graphics show that the taxi is the most popular mode of transport? (2)
1.15 The artist used a bar graph to show how South Africans travel. Discuss the effectiveness of conveying information in this way. (2)

Section B: Summary
Question 2 :
You have been asked to write an article on what parents can do to encourage children to read. The article will be placed in an educational newspaper. Read TEXT C below and list SEVEN points that you will include in your article on how to encourage children to read.

Instructions :
1.Your summary must be written in point form.
2.List your SEVEN points in full sentences, using no more than 70 words.
3.Number your sentences from 1 to 7.
4.Write only ONE point per sentence.
5.Use your OWN words as far as possible.
6.Indicate the total number of words you have used in brackets at the end of your summary.

FAQ On Amended Senior Certificate Exam

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Amended Senior Certificate Exam

Q: What is the Amended Senior Certificate Exam?
A: The Amended Senior Certificate Exam is an examination that allows adults who did not complete their high school education to obtain a matric certificate in South Africa.

Q: Who can write the Amended Senior Certificate Exam?
A: The Amended Senior Certificate Exam is designed for adults who are 21 years and older and who did not complete their high school education. It is also for those who completed their high school education before 2014, but did not pass or obtain their matric certificate.

Q: What subjects are covered in the Amended Senior Certificate Exam?
A: The Amended Senior Certificate Exam covers the same subjects as the National Senior Certificate Exam, which include languages, mathematics, sciences, and social sciences.

Q: When is the Amended Senior Certificate Exam written?
A: The Amended Senior Certificate Exam is written twice a year, in May/June and October/November.”

Categories: Question Paper

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