How to Join GEPF : Government Employees Pension Fund

Organisation : Government Employees Pension Fund
Type of Facility : How to Join GEPF
Head Office : Pretoria

Website :
Application Form :

Joining GEPF :

** All government employees whose conditions of service fall under the Public Service Act are members of GEPF.

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** This includes employees of all national and provincial government departments, as well as employees in the offices of the provincial premiers, the Public Service Commission, Provincial Service Commissions and the office of the Auditor-General.

** Employees from these organisations make up around 98 percent of GEPF’s membership.
** The remaining members are from other government institutions or bodies that GEPF’s Board of Trustees has approved as participating employers.

** Members of GEPF qualify for benefits on retirement and also on resignation or discharge.
** If a member dies, death benefits are paid to his/her beneficiaries, who can also claim benefits to help pay for funeral costs.
** To qualify for pension and other benefits, members pay a monthly amount to GEPF.
** Their employer also contributes by paying a certain amount every month**

What happens when I die?
When a GEPF pensioners dies :
** GEPF will contribute to funeral costs by paying funeral benefits;
** If the pensioner dies within five years of retiring or being discharged, GEPF will pay the balance of the retirement or discharge annuities to the beneficiaries.
** Please refer to Death within five years of retirement.

** If the pensioner leaves behind a spouse, life partner or orphaned children, they will qualify for monthly pension benefits.
** Details are under Spouse’s annuity and Orphan’s annuity.

Funeral benefits :
** This benefit consists of R7 500 for the funeral of the pensioner who has died.
** This amount is also payable for the funeral of a pensioner’s spouse or life partner.
** For the funeral of an eligible child, the benefit is R3 000.
** Wherever possible, GEPF tries to pay this benefit within 72 hours of receiving the application.
** The benefit is paid out as a cash lump sum and is taxable.

The person claiming the funeral benefit must provide the following documents :
** A correct and completed Funeral Benefit Claim form (Z300).
** An original certified copy (not older than six months) of the death certificate issued by the Department of Home Affairs;
** A certified copy (not older than six months) of the green bar-coded identity document, passport or birth certificate (in the case of a minor child) of the deceased (if applicable);

** An original certified copy (not older than six months) of the applicant’s green bar-coded identity document or passport;
** A correct and completed Banking Particulars form (Z894).
** If this form is not completed and provided, the benefit will be paid via the Post Office.

Important :
** If the funeral benefit must be paid into a bank, the claim must be posted or hand-delivered to GEPF.
** If the money is going to be paid into the Post Office, the claim must be faxed or emailed.**

Death within five years of retirement :
** Retirement or discharge annuities are guaranteed for five years after a GEPF member becomes a pensioner.
** If a pensioner dies within this period, the balance of the five-year annuities (excluding the annual supplement) is paid to the beneficiaries in a once-off cash lump sum.

Spouse’s annuity :
** This is paid to a surviving spouse, including an eligible life partner.
** If there is more than one eligible spouse, the annuity is shared equally among them.
** The spouse’s annuity is a lifelong monthly pension and is not affected by remarriage.

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