Local Masters Scholarships : South African Medical Research Council

Organisation : South African Medical Research Council
Announcement : Local Masters Scholarships
Applicable for : South African citizens

Website :

Local Masters Scholarships :

** The local Masters scholarships provide an opportunity for full-time Masters studies in any field in the health sciences.

Related : South African Medical Research Council National Health Scholars Programme :

Who Qualifies for funding :
** South African citizens or permanent residents
** Applicants from any discipline in the health sciences
** Applicants that have obtained an honours (Hons) degree or a 4 year degree with a minimum pass of 60%

** Students registering for a full-time masters degree with at least a 50% research component
** Preference is given to applicants that will undertake research training with a supervisor that is an MRC funded researcher

Applications are considered if the supervisor is not an MRC funded researcher in the following instances:
** The student will be studying at an historically disadvantaged institution
** The student is an allied health professional or nurse

Period of Funding :
** Approval is for 1 calendar year at a time. Master’s scholarships are renewable for a second year of study

Value of the Award :
** R20 000.00 per annum tax free for subsistence. R5 000.00 per annum for fees

Conditions :
** Scholarship holders may undertake teaching/academic duties to a maximum of 9 hours per week
** Scholarship holders may not receive, concurrently with a MRC scholarship, other bursaries, grants or remuneration which binds them to enter the service of any organisation

** Candidates may not hold a bursary from more than one statutory science council at any given time
** Scholarship holders may not receive, concurrently with MRC scholarships, other non-binding remuneration/fellowships and grants without prior approval from the MRC

** Scholarship holders may not, without obtaining the MRC’s prior approval, register at a university other than that through which the application has been submitted
** Once the award has been made the scholarship holder cannot change the research project without the approval of the MRC

Related Post

** Once the award has been made the scholarship holder cannot change his/her supervisor without the approval of the MRC
** Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the MRC to complete their studies within the specified time period.

Application Process :
** Application forms are sent to the post-graduate scholarships office or research support services at all tertiary institutions
** Applications are submitted to the MRC through the tertiary institution’s administrative office

** An applicant must consult beforehand with the principal research supervisor under whose supervision the research will be carried out, as well as with co-supervisor(s) where applicable.
** The university at which the candidate will be registered must confirm that the candidate has been accepted for master’s study

Selection Criteria :
** Population Group
** Gender
** Academic record/potential of the applicant

MRC funded supervisor :
** Research area
** Supervisors credentials and experience
** Number of MRC funded students approved per supervisor

Non MRC Funded supervisor :
** Supervisor’s credentials and experience, peer-reviewed project, ethical approval, availability of running expense

Successful applicants are required to :
** Submit progress reports with the renewal application. The renewal application must include a motivation from the student’s supervisor
** Provide a copy of the completed dissertation to the MRC

Surety :
** Successful applicants sign a written agreement to refund the bursary, with interest, if the degree is not completed within three years unless a written extension is requested from the MRC

General :
** The total income from the MRC and other sources should not exceed R50 000.00 pa

Contact person : AT

Contact Address :
Francie van Zijl Drive
Parowvallei, Cape;
PO Box 19070
7505 Tygerberg,
South Africa

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