Charles Bryars Scholarship : Rhodes University

Organisation : Rhodes University
Announcement : Charles Bryars Scholarship
Applicable for : South African citizens
Closing Date : 25 November 2016

Website :

Charles Bryars Scholarship :

** Students need to submit a motivation for the scholarship for which they would like to apply.
** Scholarships and bursaries are awarded on the basis of merit and need.

Related : University of Pretoria Block Grant NRF Scholarships :

The application letter should include :
a) the award(s) for which you are applying, and
b) a brief motivation for financial assistance.
c) Applications should be handed in to Denétha Peters or emailed to d.peters AT before 25 November 2016.

The Rhodes University Charles Bryars Scholarship :
** Normally intended for those planning on studying organ as a major instrument all instruments are considered eligible while studying for one of the following degrees BMus, BA or BSc.
** This bursary is worth approximately R50, 000.00.

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Lamond Paterson Scholarship :
** This is for third and/or fourth year students only. The amount per year is between R15, 000 and R17, 000
** The recipient must display talent for performing classical music composed before the year 1950, particularly in Solo Recital or in Chamber Music.

Catherine Foxcroft and Gary Terry Performance Prize :
** Awarded for the most outstanding performance in the October student concert of any piece for solo piano.
** This prize is worth R1000

John and Audrey Foxcroft Beethoven Prize :
** Awarded for the best rendering of a Beethoven sonata (or movement thereof) in the final practical exams.
** This prize is worth R1000

Rupert Onderwysstigting Prize :
** Awarded on the recommendation of the Head of Department, this bursary is worth approximately R1,500.00.

Contact Address :
Rhodes University
P.O. Box 94,
Grahamstown 6140,
South Africa

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