BASA Supporting Grants 2020 : Business & Arts South Africa

Organization Name : Business & Arts South Africa
Facility Name : Supporting Grants 2020
Applicable For : Artists/Arts Organisations
Website :

BASA Supporting Grants

Business and Arts South Africa Supporting Grant Programme is designed for artists/arts organisations and businesses to assist in activating sponsorship for a cross-section of arts projects in different regions of the country.

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This is done by providing financial support to a project that is in an already existing relationship between a business and an arts organisation.

Eligible Organisations

1. To apply you must be :
1.1. a registered non-profit entity (organisations are requested to submit their Memorandum and Articles of Association or Constitution, with the Application Form)
1.2. a registered for-profit entity whose core business is the arts

1.3. a public body, such as arts councils, regional art boards, educational establishments, or local authority arts facilities, which have received business sponsorship. BASA may ask for an external reference on the project

1.4. a non-registered entity (for example, a local or amateur arts group, co-operative, etc.), conducting projects or annual programmes, where money is ring-fenced for that specific project or programme. BASA will ask for independent confirmation of funding.

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2. In the case of festivals or other events with non-arts elements, BASA only considers the arts elements for the BASA Supporting Grants Programme.

3. In terms of eligibility criteria regarding trusts, foundations and similar entities: should the core business fund support or sponsor the arts, they are not eligible to stand as the required business partner for the Grant.

An exception will apply if a trust, foundation or entity produces or presents a creative project, and they have secured a registered business as a partner. In this instance the trust, foundation or entity is eligible for consideration as the creative partner.

How to Apply?

To apply for a BASA Supporting Grant, both the arts applicant and the sponsor must complete the application forms, which are designed to encourage the two partners to work together and identify areas of potential benefit.

BASA allocates funds to the project once it has assessed how the partnership benefits both the sponsor and the recipient. Once the grants have been approved, the projects and sponsors can be further profiled through Business and Arts South Africa’s media partners.

Value of Grant

BASA’s Supporting Grants Programme relates directly to mutual benefit (as outlined in the Supporting Grants Application). Cash and/or in-kind sponsorships are eligible.

1. If the sponsorship agreement between the business and arts organisation is monetary, and both parties are members of BASA, the value of the Grant can extend to R100 000.

2. If the sponsorship agreement between the business and arts organisation is of an in-kind sponsorship, and both parties are members of BASA, the value of the Grant can be extended to R30 000.

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