BASA Artist Relief Grants 2020

Organization Name : Business & Arts South Africa
Facility Name : Artist Relief Grants 2020
Applicable For : South African artists and creatives infected by COVID-19
Website :

BASA Artist Relief Grants

BASA has expanded the scope of its Supporting Grants programme. While the existing opportunities for funding for arts organisations and business sponsors are still available, eligibility is now extended to support South African artists and creatives infected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Related / Similar Facility : BASA Supporting Grants 2020


1.1. Only individual artists, freelance creatives and independent contractors who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or who are being treated for COVID-19 symptoms.

1.2. Applicants must be
** Practicing freelance/independent artists/creative practitioners, whether emerging or established, at least 18 years of age, with proven work experience of at least 12 months in any arts/culture/creative genre, and who are South African citizens with valid ID documents, or

** Practicing freelance/independent artists/creative practitioners, whether emerging or established, at least 18 years of age, with proven work experience of at least 12 months in any arts/culture/creative genre, and who have had permanent residence in South Africa for at least 12 months with a valid passport and the applicable visa.

1.3. Preference will be given to applicants who have been hospitalised with COVID-19.

What will be funded?
A medical relief grant to a maximum value of R10 000 (copies of medical certificates diagnosing COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms will be required).

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Application Procedure

4.1. Applications must be submitted via the online form – no hard copy, email or social media applications will be processed.
4.2. Applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis – the first 67 eligible applications will be funded.

4.3. Supporting documents (in the form of ID copy/passport and residency visa copy; biography/CV/artist profile/reference letter; Tax Compliance Status document; proof of banking details; and medical certificate) are required and must be uploaded via the online entry platform.

If, for any reason, the applicant is unable to upload supporting documents via the online entry platform:
i. The entry form must still be submitted via the online entry platform with all other fields completed; and
ii. The supporting documents must be emailed to artist.grants [AT]

Applications will not be considered complete without all the supporting documents (submitted either via the online form or via email to artist.grants [AT], and no incomplete applications will be processed.

4.4. By submitting an application, you the applicant agree to abide by the terms, conditions, rules and regulations governing the BASA Artist Relief Fund, and declare that the information provided is true and correct.

Application Outcome

5.1. Applicants will be notified of an outcome within 10 working days of submission.
5.2. Successful applicants will be allocated a grant number and sent a grant agreement, which needs to be accepted before grant payment can be made.

5.3. Approved grant payments will be paid out twice monthly (mid-month and month-end).
5.4. Grant deliberations are confidential and decisions are final. No discussion or correspondence will be entered into concerning the results.


Direct queries related to eligibility and your application to artist.grants [AT]

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