: DTI ECF Employment Creation Fund Investment Incentives

Organisation : South Africa Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Service Name : Employment Creation Fund (ECF) Investment Incentives
Applicable For : Private Sector Enterprises, NGOs
Website :

DTI Employment Creation Fund

The ECF supports projects and programmes that have a positive impact on employment creation, skills development and capacity building, developing the ‘green economy,’ developing the agriculture and agro-processing value-chain, technology diffusion and commercialisation, public employment creation, rural development and the business environment

Related / Similar Facility : DSBD SheTradesZA Online Registration


Private sector enterprises, non-governmental organisations (NGOs,) non-profit organisations, community-based organisations, industry associations, co-operatives, national, provincial and local government departments and agencies


Funding is available for innovative and relatively higher risk projects that are not likely to be funded through government’s normal budget processes and or where the commercial financial sector is unable or unwilling to provide financial services

Implementing Agency

The Department of Trade and Industry

About Government Incentives:
Government departments offer an array of incentive schemes to stimulate and facilitate the development of sustainable, competitive enterprises by providing accessible incentives that effectively support national priorities.

A variety of incentive schemes seek to support the development or growth of commercially viable and sustainable enterprises through the provision of either funding or tax relief, thereby ensuring the creation of new and sustainable jobs. The intention is to increase participation in various areas of development. Most of the incentives are housed within the Department of Trade and Industry, with a few others in other government departments.

Incentive categories generally mirror the stages involved in project development, visually:
** Conceptualisation of the project, including feasibility studies and research and development;
** Capital expenditure, involving the creation or expansion of the productive capacity of businesses; and
** Competitiveness enhancement, involving the introduction of efficiencies and whetting the competitive edge of establis

Concept and R&D:
These are incentives available to private sector enterprises that invest in the creation, design and improvement of new products and processes. Such businesses conduct investigative activities with the intention of making a discovery that can either lead to the development of such new products and processes or to the improvement of existing products.

Capital Expenditure:
These are companies that want to acquire or upgrade assets in order either to establish or expand the business’ productive capacity.

Competitiveness Enhancement:
These are investments which facilitate increased competitiveness, sustainable economic growth and development in a specific sector.

Contact Details

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Tel: (012) 394 1723,

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