KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour 2016-17 Competition

Organization : KFC Proprietary Limited
Competition Name : KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour 2016-17 Competition
Applicable For : South African citizen
Competition Deadline : 31 January2017

Website : http://www.kfc.co.za/termsandconditions/

KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour Competition :

Competition Period :
** The Competition will begin at 07:00 on 30 September 2016, and will end at 23:59 on 31 January2017 (Competition Period).

Related : KFC Boosta Week Online Competition : www.southafricain.com/1472.html

** No entries will be accepted after the Competition Period.

Eligible Entrants :
In order to be eligible for participation in this Competition, an entrant must :
** be a South African citizen;
** reside within or attend a school in South Africa;
** be a Mini-Cricketer;
** be part of a school Mini-Cricket team;

be between the ages of :
** in the case of boys, 6 (six) and 12 (twelve) years; and
** in the case of girls, 6 (six) and 13 (thirteen) years; and
** undertake to abide by the Special Rules pertaining to the Competition, as stipulated in clause 6 (Special Rules), failing which, the winner shall forfeit the prize on the grounds of ineligibility,

** and each entrant represents and warrants that by entering in or participating in this Competition, he/she has full eligibility to do so.
** The Organizers reserve the right to request proof that entrants have met these eligibility requirements.

Furthermore :
** previous 1st prize winners of this competition (in prior seasons) will not be eligible to win 1st prize for the Competition this season, but will be eligible to win 2nd and 3rd prize; and
** previous 2nd and 3rd prize winners of this competition (in prior seasons) will be eligible to win first prize for this Competition

How to Participate :
Entry into the competition :
To enter the Competition, and stand a chance for your school cricket team to win any of the prizes, eligible entrants will be required to dial *120*7535# from a cellular phone or enter online on the Website under the “Kids vs Proteas Tour” tab, the entrant will then be prompted to

** provide his/her full name;

** provide his/her parent’s/guardian’s mobile phone number as well as a valid e-mail address of such parent/guardian, provided that no entrant will be excluded from the Competition if no e-mail address is provided;

** provide the province where the entrants primary school is based; and
** provide the name of the primary school currently attended by the entrant.

** Entrants who have entered the competition as set out in paragraph 1.1 above, may enter the Competition more than once and will automatically be entered into an upcoming draw for the chance for their school cricket team to win a prize in accordance with paragraph 4 (Nature of Prizes and Prize Allocation) below for the duration of the Competition Period.

Nature of Prizes and Prize Allocation :
1st Prize :
** To play against the South African National Cricket Team (Proteas) in the KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour
** Entrants and their school cricket team stand a chance of being randomly drawn as 1 (one) of 4 (four) winners who would each win an opportunity to participate in 1 (one) KFC Mini-Cricket training session, as facilitated by a former Protea, at their school, and play 1 (one) match against the Proteas at their school or an appropriate venue as determined by the Organisers.

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The preliminary dates for the 4 (four) training sessions for each of the 4 (four) respective regions, which the Organiser reserves the right to reschedule at any point in this Competition, are as set out here under :
** 1st Training Session (Winner 1) on 28 November 2016; Venue: (TBC after the winning school is drawn);
** 2nd Training Session (Winner 2) on 13 January 2017; Venue: (TBC after the winning school is drawn);

** 3rd Training Session (Winner 3) on 06 February 2017; Venue: (TBC after the winning school is drawn); and
** 4th Training Session (Winner 4) on 15 February 2017; Venue: (TBC after the winning school is drawn).

** The preliminary dates for the 4 (four) KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour matches against the Proteas at each of the 4 (four) winning schools, which the Organiser reserves the right to reschedule at any point in this Competition,

are as set out here under :
** 1st KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour game: 8 December 2016 – Western Cape region;
** 2nd KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour game: 20 January 2017 – Gauteng region

** 3rd KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour game 13 February 2017 – Eastern Cape region or Kwa-Zulu Natal region; and

** 4th KFC Mini-Cricket Kids vs Proteas Tour game: 20 February 2017 – Eastern Cape region or Kwa-Zulu Natal region

** The Organisers reserve the right to change the preliminary dates and to determine the venues for the training sessions and for the matches against the Proteas.

2nd Prize :
** To participate as KFC Mini-Cricket Ball Boys/Girls at the T20 domestic challenge or the KFC T20 internationals matches

** Entrants stand a chance of being randomly drawn as 1 (one) of 4 (four) winners, to receive an opportunity to be the KFC Mini-Cricket Ball Boy or Girl at 1 (one) match in their region during the T20 domestic challenge or KFC T20 International.

** The T20 domestic challenge will take place from 22 November 2016 to 16 December 2016. The Organisers reserve the right to decide on the date and location of the game where the winners will participate as KFC Mini-Cricket Ball Boys & Girls.

** The KFC T20 Internationals will take place from 20 January 2017 to 25 January 2017. The Organisers reserve the right to decide on the date and location of the game where the winners will participate as KFC Mini-Cricket Ball Boys & Girls.

** The above prize constitutes of 1 (one) T20 domestic challenge and 3 (three) KFC T20 Internationals (game per school).

3rd Prize :
** KFC Mini-Cricket Equipment
** Entrants stand a chance of being randomly drawn as 1 (one) of 10 (ten) winners to receive 1 (one) KFC Mini-Cricket equipment set for their respective nominated school.
** Each KFC Mini-Cricket equipment set will contain: 2 (two) bats, 2 (two) stumps, 2 (two) cricket balls and 1 (one) equipment bag.

** The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize winners will be selected from each of the 4 (four) regions outlined below, at a series of randomised draws, which will take place between 7 November 2016 and 1 March 2017, at the office of the Organiser.

The 4 (four) regional splits are :
** Draw 1 – Western Cape region and Northern Cape;
** Draw 2 – Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North-West, Free State and Limpopo;
** Draw 3 – Eastern Cape or Kwa-Zulu Natal; and
** Draw 4 – Eastern Cape or Kwa-Zulu Natal.
** The Competition prizes are not transferrable from the prize winners to any other person and may not be exchanged for its cash value.

Categories: Contest
Tags: kfc.co.za

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  • I want to join cricket.

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