Al Baraka Bank Online Statement :

Organization : Albaraka Bank Limited
Facility Name : Online Statement
Applicable For : Albaraka Bank Customers
Website :

How To View Al Baraka Bank Statement?

Register to view Al Baraka Bank statements online. Take advantage of this FREE service which allows you access to your statements 24/7 from any part of the world.

Related / Similar Service : HBZ Bank Apply for eBanking


Features of Al Baraka Bank Statement

You can view the following statements online
** Murabaha Statements
** Trade/equipment
** Motor Vehicle
** Property
** Investments
** Hajj Account
** Regular Income Provider
** Monthly Investment Plan
** Participation Accounts
** IT3B Statements 2012 (2010 & 2011 to be added)

How To Register For Al Baraka Bank Account Statement?

To Register For Al Baraka Bank Account Statement, Follow the below steps

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit

Step 2 : Complete the registration form with the following fields
** Customer Number * Read the hint when inserting a customer number
** Email address
** Create a password (minimum 6 characters)
** Advise if Business or Personal Account
** Telephone numbers (home/work/cell/fax)
** Tick on the marketing information boxes
** Tick the Accept box
** Click submit

Step 3 : Congratulations!!! – Your registration is now complete.
Step 4 : A Customer Services Representative will contact you to verify your details and provide you with an ASP (Al Baraka Selected password)

FAQ On Al Baraka Bank

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) On Al Baraka Bank

1. Can I use my Al Baraka debit card at another banks ATM?
You can use your Al Baraka debit card at any atm displaying a VISA logo

2. Can I deposit cash into my Transactional banking Account?
Yes you may deposit cash at any Al Baraka branch or any ABSA branch nationwide. You may also deposit cash using your card at any Pick n Pay or Boxer store nationwide (a maximum limit of R5000 per transaction is allowed). Multiple deposits are allowed however the store may impose a limit.

3. I forgot my pin?
You will need to visit your nearest branch or log on to Internet Banking to reset your PIN

4. What are the banking details for Transactional Banking account if I want someone to pay money to me?
They can pay directly into your Transactional banking account using your account number starting with 786…. And the branch code 800000.

5. I forgot my internet banking password?
It is the total value of electronic transfers for the day

6. Can I change my log on verification code and password online?
Log onto your internet banking profile to change your password and contact the call centre on 0860225786 to have your verification code reset.

7. How does the Debit Card work?
You may use it to swipe and pay for purchases at any point of sale machines in store. You can use it to draw cash at any Al Baraka or Saswitch ATM.

8. Does my Password have to be more than 8 Characters long?
Yes, it can be 8 or more characters long. It should contain numbers & alphabets in lower & upper case

Customer Service

We look forward to your registration. If you require further assistance, call our Customer Services Centre on 0860225786.

Functions of Albaraka Bank

Albaraka Bank is a Shariah-compliant Islamic bank that operates in South Africa. Here are some of the key functions of Albaraka Bank in South Africa:

Deposit Accounts:
Albaraka Bank offers a range of deposit accounts, including savings accounts, investment accounts, and transactional accounts, that are compliant with Islamic principles.

Albaraka Bank provides financing solutions that are compliant with Islamic principles. These include home financing, vehicle financing, and business financing.

International Trade:
Albaraka Bank offers a range of international trade services, including trade finance, foreign exchange, and remittances, that are compliant with Islamic principles.

Electronic Banking:
Albaraka Bank provides a range of electronic banking services, including online banking, mobile banking, and ATM banking, to make banking more convenient for its customers.

Categories: Bank

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  • yusuf vania says:

    Salaam. how do i go about registering on line © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map