HPCSA Online Application For Registration : Health Professions Council of South Africa

Organisation : Health Professions Council of South Africa
Type of Facility : HPCSA Online Application For Registration
Head Office : Pretoria

Website : http://www.hpcsa.co.za/Registrations
Application Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/1477-Application.pdf

How To Apply For HPCSA Registration?

** Registration with HPCSA is a pre-requisite for professional practice (Section 17 of HPCSA act of 1974).

Related / Similar Facility : HPCSA Pretoria Client Care Centre

** Every person desiring to be registered in terms of the HPCSA act shall apply to the registrar and shall submit the qualification which, in his or her submission, may entitle him or her to registration, together with such proof of identity and good character and of the authenticity and validity of the qualifications submitted as may be required by the professional board concerned.

** Select the professional board that you wish to register with from the list of icons displayed below.

Eligibility Criteria For HPCSA Registration

** Registrations Qualifying in any of the health care professions is an important personal responsibility and, as a practitioner, there are several legal obligations.

** Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is a pre-requisite for professional practice, and it is also a legal requirement to keep all personal details up to date at all times.

** An annual fee is payable for this registration and failure to pay this fee could result in suspension from the register.

** If, for some reason a practitioner is suspended from the register, they can redeem themselves by applying for restoration and paying the restoration fee.
** Voluntary erasure from the register is possible if the practitioner does not intend to practice his/her profession in South Africa for a given period of time.
** A request has to be submitted in writing before 31 March of the year voluntary erasure is requested.

There are nine main registration categories (not all categories apply to all professions), namely :
** Student
** Internship
** Student Intern
** Public Service – Community Service
** Supervised Practice
** Independent Practice
** Private Practice
** Specialised Practice
** Sub-Specialised Practice

Other categories for temporary or restricted registration include :
** Education
** Post Graduate
** Volunteer

** After completing the requirements of each of the registration categories, the onus is on the individual to formally apply for registration in the next category.
** Penalty fees are charged upon application for a new registration category if the individual has not been registered as student in the required category.

** The registration guidelines vary from one Professional Board to the other.
** There is a detailed reference guide for the registration requirements for each of the 12 Professional Boards, simply select the appropriate Professional Board.

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Application Fees For HPCSA Registration

** As an autonomous body the HPCSA receives no grants or subsidies from government or any other source.
** It is totally funded by the fees it receives from registered persons representing the professions under its jurisdiction.
** Each Professional Board, however, administers its own budget in a transparent manner from the funds allocated by the HPCSA, based on fees paid by various professions to Council.

** Such fees are not necessarily uniform but depend on the actual cost of running the Board; on the levy paid by the Professional Boards to Council towards a stabilisation fund from which Council can allocate money in contingency circumstances, and on the cost of the running of the HPCSA.

When are fees due?
** Annual fee payment – Annual fees are payable to the HPCSA by 1 April and are valid until 31 March of the following year.
** Please note that it is the responsibility of every registered practitioner to ensure that his/her annual fee is paid by 1 April of each year.

NB :
** Registered health practitioners who have not paid their annual fees by 1 April of a particular year, will be erased from the register within three months of the due date of 1 April.

Contact Address :
553 of Hamilton and
Madiba Streets,

Functions of HPCSA

HPCSA stands for the Health Professions Council of South Africa. It is a statutory body that is responsible for the regulation of all health professions in South Africa. The council was established in terms of the Health Professions Act of 1974 and its mandate is to protect the public by ensuring that all health professionals registered with the HPCSA are competent and fit to practice.

Some of the functions of the HPCSA include:
Registration of Health Professionals:
The HPCSA is responsible for the registration of health professionals in South Africa. Only registered health professionals are legally allowed to practice in South Africa.

Accreditation of Education and Training Programs:
The council is responsible for accrediting all education and training programs for health professionals in South Africa. This ensures that all training programs meet the required standards and that health professionals are adequately trained and competent to practice.

Professional Conduct:
The HPCSA is responsible for ensuring that all registered health professionals adhere to the ethical and professional standards set by the council. The council has a Professional Conduct Committee that investigates complaints of unprofessional conduct against registered health professionals.

Additional Simplified Procedure

Here are the steps on how to apply for HPCSA registration online:
1. Go to the HPCSA website: https://www.hpcsa.co.za/
2. Click on the “Registration” tab.
3. Click on the “Online Registration” link.
4. Create an account or log in to your existing account.
5. Select the qualification you want to register for.
6. Fill out the online application form.
7. Upload the required documents.
8. Pay the registration fee.
9. Submit your application.

The application fee for HPCSA online applications is R150.00. You can pay the application fee by credit card, debit card, or EFT.

Here are the required documents for applying for HPCSA online applications:
** A copy of your ID document.
** A copy of your school leaving certificate or equivalent qualification.
** A certified true copy of official transcripts of all your previous studies.
** A letter of motivation explaining why you want to register with HPCSA.
** A letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor.

You can find more information about the application process and the required documents on the HPCSA website.

Here are some tips for applying for HPCSA online applications:
** Make sure that you have all of the required documents before you start the application process.
** Carefully fill out the online application form.
** Make sure that you upload clear scans of your documents.
** Check the status of your application regularly.

The HPCSA application process is usually completed within 30 days. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by email. If you are approved for HPCSA registration, you will receive a certificate of registration. You will then need to keep your certificate of registration up to date by renewing it every 5 years.

Categories: Facilities
Tags: hpcsa.co.za

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