Bridge House College Scholarships :

Organisation : Bridge House
Announcement : Bridge House Scholarship
Applicable for : South Africa Citizen

Website :
Application Form :

Bridge House College Scholarships :

Bridge House College offers a number of school scholarships for Grade 8 for academic, cultural and sporting excellence, as per the schedule below:
** Top Bridge House Prep pupil in the scholarship exam 66%
** Top “outside” pupil in scholarship exam 66%

Related : VLIR-UOS Awards Scholarships :

** Bridge House Grade 7 all-rounder 66%
** Sports scholarship 50%
** Cultural scholarship 50%
** 3rd on scholarship examination merit list 25%
** 4th on scholarship examination merit list 25%

** You will see from the above that, while two of these scholarships are guaranteed closed scholarships for Bridge House Prep pupils, a number of them could well have been awarded to pupils from other primary schools.
** The date for the Scholarship exams will be advised in the first term.

Related Post

The format of the scholarship examinations are as follows :
• An English paper;
• A Mathematics paper;
• An Afrikaans paper;
• The completion of a personal profile (curriculum vitae).
** The pro forma personal profile is to be completed during the English and Maths tests.
** The Scholarship Committee reserved the right not to make an award.
** In which case, that award would have fallen away (i.e. it would not have been passed down to the next best candidate.)
** The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final.

** Please contact Gill Malcolm on 021 874 8100 or e-mail gilmal AT if your child would like to apply for a Gr 8 scholarship and write the scholarship examinations or should you require further information.

Accept the following conditions :
1. The Bridge House scholarship awards committee’s decision is final. The student will be required to write the school’s scholarship test and attend an interview at the school.
2. The scholarship will be tenable until the end of the student’s school career, provided that the student’s progress and results are satisfactory and the student adheres to the School’s Code of Conduct.
3. If successful, I will accept responsibility for the balance of fees, all other deposits and charges to the account.

Enclosed :
1. A copy of the student’s most recent report.
2. Other relevant supporting documentation (Award certificates etc)

Contact Us :
Bridge House School
P.O. Box 444
Franschhoek, 7690
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