dcc.edu.za Information Literacy Past Papers : Damelin Correspondence College

Name of the College : Damelin Correspondence College (Pty) Ltd
Subject : Information Literacy – Media Research
Document Type : Download Exam Papers
Year : 2013
Website : https://www.dcc.edu.za/

Damelin Information Literacy Past Papers

Prepare for your exam by downloading past papers for Information Literacy – Media Research (June2013) from the official website of Damelin Correspondence College (Pty) Ltd.

Related : Damelin Correspondence College Higher Certificate-Early Childhood Development NQF 5 : www.southafricain.com/4647.html

Time: 14H00 – 16H00
Total: 100 Marks
Duration: 2 Hours
Pass Mark: 40%

Question Paper Type

This Examination Paper Consists Of 4 Sections :
Section A: Consists Of:
(I) 10 Multiple-Choice Questions (10 Marks)
(Ii) 5 True Or False Questions (10 Marks)
(Iii) 10 Matching-Statement Questions (10 Marks)
Answer All The Questions

Section B: Consists Of 4 Short Questions
Answer All The Questions (15 Marks)

Section C: Consists Of 4 Long Answer Questions
Answer All The Questions (35 Marks)

Section D: Consists Of 2 Interpretative Questions
Answer One Of The Questions (20 Marks)

Download Question Paper :


1. Read the following instructions carefully before answering the paper, as failure to act upon them will result in a loss of marks.

2. Write your answers in your answer book, which is provided in the exam.
3. Ensure that your name and student number are clearly indicated on your answer book.

4. Write your answers in either blue or black ink in your answer book.
5. Read each question very carefully before you answer it and number your answers exactly as the questions are numbered.

6. Begin with the question for which you think you will get the best marks.
7. Note the mark allocations for each question – give enough facts to earn the marks allocated. Don’t waste time by giving more information than required.

8. You are welcome to use diagrams to illustrate your answers.
9. Please write neatly – we cannot mark illegible handwriting.

10. Any student caught cheating will have his or her examination paper and notes confiscated. The College will take disciplinary measures to protect the integrity of these examinations.

11. If there is something wrong with or missing from your exam paper or your answer book, please inform your invigilator immediately. If you do not inform your invigilator about a problem, the College will not be able to rectify it afterwards, and your marks cannot be adjusted to allow for the problem.

12. This paper may be removed from the examination hall after the examination has taken place.

Section A

(30 Marks)
Answer All The Questions :
(I) Multiple-Choice Questions :
Choose the correct option for each of the following. Write only the question number and your chosen answer. For instance, if you think that the correct answer for number 1 is (a), then write it as 1. (a).
1. In the sentence, ‘The baby was born’, the word was is a:
(a) verb.
(b) noun.
(c) adjective.
(d) adverb.

2. To avoid eye strain you need to:
(a) lie on your bed on your back when reading.
(b) have one very bright light shining on your book.
(c) consult the clinic regularly.
(d) have general lighting as well as a desk lamp.

3. The idiom ‘to have an axe to grind’ means:
(a) to have an ulterior motive.
(b) to work hard.
(c) to have a private reason for doing something.
(d) to rely on someone else.

4. Which of the following is correct?
(a) Writing is active but reading is passive.
(b) Writing and reading are active.
(c) Writing is passive but reading is active.
(d) Writing and reading are passive.

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5. Which of the following do you not need to read when skimming?
(a) contents page
(b) graphs, pictures and diagrams
(c) first paragraph
(d) chapter headings

6. The word secondary in education means:
(a) high school.
(b) primary school.
(c) university.
(d) pre-primary school.

7. The Right to Freedom of Expression excludes the:
(a) freedom to receive and impart ideas.
(b) freedom to communicate whatever is on your mind.
(c) freedom of artistic creativity.
(d) freedom of the press and other media.

8. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of likert questions?
(a) They are always in what is known as a scale.
(b) The number of answers per section can be added when the total number of questions has been completed.
(c) There is a wide variation in amounts.
(d) They always begin with ‘why’.

9. Words that sound the same but are spelt differently are called:
(a) monophones.
(b) homophones.
(c) homonyms.
(d) acronyms.

10. SARAD written out in full is:
(a) South African Research and Distribution.
(b) South African Rates and Data.
(c) South African Radio and Digital.
(d) South African Resource and Data.

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. Motivate all your answers.
1. The headword is the last word in a dictionary entry.
2. A new word form formed from the first letter of each word in a group of words is called an abbreviation.
3. It is impossible to argue about an opinion.
4. While reading, a good reader guesses what is going to come next.
5. Using quotation marks to credit either a direct or indirect quote of what a person said is a good way to avoid plagiarism.

Match the statements in Column B to the terms in Column A. Write down the answers only, for example 1. (a).
Column A Column B
1. information literacy (a) a book written by a person about himself or herself
2. archives (b) people who can control access to information
3. autobiography (c) a basic word from which other words are formed and developed
4. precis (d) interpretation referring to the real, concrete world
5. gatekeeper (e) the origin of a word
6. root (f) the ability a person has to find, extract, process, understand and use information effectively and efficiently
7. literal meaning (g) first level
8. etymology (h) to summarise in your own words what a paragraph or article says
9. pictogram (i) a storage area where documents and information are preserved
10. primary (j) a type of bar graph

Section B

Short Questions (15 Marks)
Answer All The Questions
Question 1
Give one reason why it is necessary for media people to be information literate. [2] Briefly explain your answer.

Question 2 Define the following:
(a) microfilm (2)
(b) hard copy (2) [4]

Question 3
From the list below choose the correct word starting vis- for each blank space in the questions (a) to (e). Write only the question letter and the answer, for example, if you think the correct answer for (a) is (i) then write (a) i.
i. visible
ii. visionary
iii. vision
iv. visibility
v. visor
(a) The pilot could not land his plane because the low cloud made _____ very poor.
(b) My _____ is not very good. I have to wear spectacles.
(c) The _____ is able to tell what will happen in the future.
(d) The motorcyclist looked through the _____ of his helmet.
(e) The snow on the far mountains is only just _____ from here. [5]

Question 4
Give the literal meanings of the following figurative statements:
(a) I worked my fingers to the bone. (2)
(b) I bumped into my friend yesterday. (2)

Section C

Long Answer Questions (35 Marks)
Answer All The Questions
Question 1
One of the important technical research reports produced by SAARF is called AMPS.
(a) What does the acronym AMPS stand for? (2)
(b) How often are AMPS conducted? (2)
(c) Give two examples of information that can be found using AMPS. (4)
(d) Explain why an advertiser would be interested in AMPS. (3) [11]

Question 2
(a) Define a ‘closed’ question. (2)
(b) Give an example of a closed question. (2)
(c) Briefly explain the value of a closed question. (2) [6]

Question 3
(a) Define the following:
i. prefix (2)
ii. suffix (2)

(b) Consider the following words and identify the prefix in each:
i. mistake (1)
ii. hypermarket (1)
iii. contradict (1)

(c) Consider the following words and identify the suffix in each:
i. kingdom (1)
ii. supremacy (1)
iii. friendship (1) [10]

Question 4
Give four ways that you can avoid plagiarism. [4 × 2 = 8]

FAQ On DCC College

Damelin Correspondence College (DCC) is a distance education institution in South Africa that offers a range of courses and qualifications. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Damelin Correspondence College:

What is Damelin Correspondence College?
Damelin Correspondence College is a distance education institution in South Africa that offers a range of courses and qualifications. The college offers online and correspondence courses in a variety of subjects.

What courses does Damelin Correspondence College offer?
Damelin Correspondence College offers a wide range of courses in various fields, including business management, computer courses, education and training, engineering studies, hospitality and tourism, and technical courses.

How does Damelin Correspondence College work?
Damelin Correspondence College offers online and correspondence courses, which means students can study at their own pace and in their own time. Students receive course material either online or in print and are required to complete assignments and assessments.

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