NEPAD/ AUDA Youth Essay Contest on ‘The Africa We Want’ 2019 :

Organization : AUDA/NEPAD
Competition Name : Youth Essay Contest on ‘The Africa We Want’
Applicable For : African citizens
Entries Open : 21 January 2019
Entries Close : 28 February 2019
Website :

Youth Essay Contest on ‘The Africa We Want’

Agenda 2063 is the strategic framework for socio-economic transformation of the African continent over the next 45 years.

Related : Karoo Youth Essay Contest – KYEC 2019 :

Young Africans, women and men will be the pioneers of the African knowledge society that will contribute significantly to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Short Essay Contest

AUDA/NEPAD recognises African youth as important stakeholders in achieving the Agenda 2063 goals and aspirations. In this regard, deliberate efforts are being made to harness the intellectual insights and energies of the youth in shaping the pathways and participating in the implementation of Agenda 2063.

Accordingly, AUDA/NEPAD is organising a short essay contest that will serve to solicit novel ideas from Africa’s youth.

Rules & Requirements

The rules and requirements for this short essay contest are outlined below :
** The short essay subject is “The Africa We Want”.

** Participants are invited to submit their innovative ideas through a short essay format – the ideas or proposals should be those that can potentially have positive societal impact currently, or those that will transform the African continent in years to come through action/s that need to be taken now.

The essays will be reviewed based on the following criteria :
1) Content and relevance in terms of Africa’s development;
2) Innovation and creativity;

3) Potential for implementing the idea on a large scale using Africa’s own resources.

Important Dates

Entry dates, deadlines and announcement of winners
** This contest opens on 21 January 2019 and closes at midnight on 28 February 2019.
** Essays must be received by 11:59PM GMT on 28 February 2019 OR postmarked by 28 February 2019 if sent by post.

** Winners will be announced in April 2019 at the ‘Championing of Agenda 2063 for #TheAfricaWeWant’ advocacy event in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Related Post

** We urge all entrants residing outside South Africa to therefore have their passports ready, as the top five winners will be invited to the prize-giving ceremony in Johannesburg!!

** The winners will all be notified prior to the event by email or phone number provided in the submission.


** Contestants must be aged between 15 and 35 years by the contest deadline.
** Only one proposal per contestant will be accepted.

** Contestants must be African citizens; non-African citizens are not eligible to participate in the contest.

** All youths (between the ages of 15 and 35) and especially girls, women and people living with disabilities are strongly encouraged to participate.


** All contestants must submit a completed and signed version of the document below.
** Please place a check next to each item below to be certain you have not missed anything!

Documents :
** The essay – as per the instructions below
** Parental consent (Applicable only to those below the age of 18)
** Consent Form

Essay Instructions

** Type the essay on A4 paper size, 2-3 pages maximum.
** Handwritten essays are accepted and should be on A4 paper size, 2-3 pages maximum.
** Please include your name on the essay.

Language :
** Essays can be written in any of the African Union (AU) official languages namely: Swahili, English, French, Arabic and Portuguese.

How To Submit

Submitting your entry :
If sending by EMAIL :
** Scan your entry documents to a .jpg or .pdf format and attach them to the email.
** Please send the email to

If sending by POST :
** Address the mail to – NEPAD Agency, 230, 15th Road Randjespark, Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

** If posting your entry, please be sure to paperclip all of your documents together, including the essay.

Contact information

African Union Development Agency/NEPAD
230, 15th Road Randjespark
Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Primary contact person: Linda Gouman
Email: lindag AT
Telephone number: +27 11 256 3600 / 12

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